Apr. 16 Bulletin – Easter Sunday

Westworth United Church

1750 Grosvenor Avenue, Winnipeg

April 16, 2017

Easter Sunday


We Gather to Worship


Pre-Service Music:

“Lord of the Dance”                                                          arr. Andrew Balent

“Thine is the Glory”                                                                       G. F. Handel

“Crown Him with Many Crowns”                                  Sir George Elvey


Welcome and Announcements

Candle-lighting & Prelude:    “Christ is Arisen”          Hermann Grabner

Introit:       “O Risen Lord”                                                                   K. Lee Scott


Easter Greeting

Christ is risen!

He is risen indeed!

Christ is risen!!

He is risen indeed!!

        Christ is risen!!!

He is risen indeed!!!


Hymn VU 155        “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today”                     EASTER HYMN

VU 188       “Easter Prayer”


The Peace of Christ

One: May the peace of Christ be with you.

     All: And also with you.

(Please extend to others a blessing of peace with words such as,

“Peace be with you,” or “Peace,” with the response, “And also with you.”)


We Hear the Word


Children’s Time

Hymn VU 176   “Who Is There on This Easter Morning”      FRAGRANCE

Responsive Reading: VU 827 “Psalm 104,” Part Two, Refrain 2


Gospel Lesson: John 20:1-18

This is the Gospel of Christ.

        Thanks be to God.

        Sung Response:  VU 840, Refrain 5  “Your Word is a Lamp”


Anthem:            “Now Let the Ancient Hymn Resound”

LASST UNS ERFREUEN, arr. Robert Leaf

Sermon:            “Mending the World”


We Respond

Hymn VU 164               “The Day of Resurrection”                      ELLACOMBE

VU 918       “A New Creed”

Instrumental: “We Shall Go Out with Hope of Resurrection”



Offertory: “That Easter Day with Joy was Bright”      Wilbur Held

Dedication Hymn   VU 542 “We Give You But Your Own”

Offertory Prayer


Prayers of the People

Prayer Introit VU 148       “Jesus, Remember Me”

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession

The Lord’s Prayer VU 921


Hymn VU 346                “There in God’s Garden”                     SHADES MOUNTAIN

verse 1: all    v. 2: women    v. 3: men    v. 4: all   v. 5: all   v. 6: all



Choral Response:        “Hallelujah Chorus”             George Frideric Handel

Postlude:          “Highlights from Jesus Christ Superstar”


Sincere thanks are extended to Bettina Nyman on flute, Jewel Casselman on recorder, and the Westworth Winds for their music today.



Minister:  Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd               westworthminister@gmail.com

204 489-6974 Ext. 22                                       Director of Music:  Debbie McLeod

Minister Emerita:  Eleanor Geib                                Organist:  Dorcas Windsor

Westworth Winds Director: Ray McClelland

Treasurer:  Jenny Jeffers                                                   treasurer@westworth.ca

Office Administrator:  Heather Lavery                                office@westworth.ca

Church Phone # 204 489-6974 Ext. 20                                     www.westworth.ca

Church Custodian: Ian Thomson                                   custodian@westworth.ca


Greeters: Anne and Keith Love

Usher: Diether Peschken and Kirk Windsor

Scripture Reader: Shirley Watts


Westworth Winds for Easter – 2017

Flute                                    Ariane Santamaria-Bouvier, Candace Alena,

Heather Beattie Curran

Clarinet                               Cam Stacey, Christina Paul, Judy Brown,

Linda Herman, Linda Wenstob, Peter Scarlett

Alto Saxophone                Bettina Nyman, Cecile Gousseau

Tenor Saxophone             Anne Bergeron, Mike Forbes

Baritone Saxophone        Garry Gillett

Trumpet                              Jim Woolison, Keith Davidson, Rick Sellwood

French horn                       Janet Driver, Sherry Aubin

Trombone                          David Loewen, Meera Thadani

Baritone                             George Bednarczyk

Tuba                                    Murray Thompson

Percussion                          David Patrick, George Nyman, Nathan Wrana

Guest Conductor              Don Bradford



This week at Westworth:

Today Special Appeal donation envelopes on coffee ledge in narthex.

NOSTALGIA 50’s PARTY tickets will be available in the narthex.

Counting Team is Team A – David B’s team.


Apr. 18

Unit 94 will meet at 7:30pm in the parlour.

April 19

Unit 77 will meet on Wednesday, April 19th at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Dorcas Windsor to discuss the book They Left Us Everything by Plum Johnson.

Visitors are welcome!

Office will be closed at 2:00pm.

CE will meet at 7:00pm in the library.


April 20

Unit 7 will meet at 9:30am in the parlour.

West Broadway Lunch at 12:30pm.

Senior Choir will meet at 7:30pm in the choir room. New singers are welcome to attend!


April 23

Rev. Ray Cuthbert will be preaching this Sunday.

 We invite you to consider contributing to our Lenten/Easter Special Appeal. The Special Appeal offering supports non-profit community organizations. Special Appeal envelopes are on the coffee ledge in the narthex and will be in the Palm Sunday Bulletins.


The beautiful flowers are placed in loving memory of:



                                                       from Merle McTaggart and  family


PATRICK MULDREW            from Marion & Fraser Muldrew


JIM AND OLIVE WILSON      from Kathy & Alan Wilson



MARGARET & WALTER       from their children and

YOUNKA                                grandchildren


Flowers also gratefully received for our congregation from

Bev and Mac Watts and Joyce and Earl Gould.


Extreme Hunger Appeal

The United Church of Canada has launched an Extreme Hunger Appeal as the humanitarian crisis in Kenya, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen reaches grave levels. Starvation and extreme hunger are reaching a scale the world has not seen before in these areas. Vulnerable people are most impacted, including children.

Please pray for the millions of people in these countries facing starvation, and for our partners on the ground working to provide relief. Give now to this Extreme Hunger Appeal and make a difference. Please make your donation out to Westworth UC and we will forward a total to the UC of Canada. Thank you.


The following items from the first meeting of the Council meeting of March 28, 2017 will be of interest to the congregation:

  1. The new Council will meet monthly as we establish the new Governance model.
  2. Council members will liaise with their designated Ministry Teams monthly or more if needed.
  3. There will be an orientation meeting for Ministry Team Leaders on April 30, 2017 after the regular church service.
  4. Ministry Team leaders would still obtain copies of the minutes and minutes will be posted on the website.
  5. There are some special events being held by the church that are not part of a specific team. These events need to be brought to Finance Committee attention through the Fund-Raising application and then approved by the Board.
  6. A search committee is being formed to address the need for the position of Coordinator- Children, Youth and Family Ministry.

Community News (please see more info on bulletin board)


  • You are invited to an evening of Coffee and Conversation with Shahina Siddiqui President and Executive Director of the Islamic Social Services Association Inc. Tuesday, May 2 at 7-8:30pm here at Crestview United, 316 Hamilton Ave.
  • Spirit Path Myers-Briggs Two-Day Event coming up on Friday, April 21st (7pm to 9pm) and continuing on Saturday, April 22nd (9:30am to 4:30pm). The $40 cost includes both days, the MBTI Assessment Indicator, as well as lunch on Saturday. Contact Garth Fallis at 204-487-1466 or email garthf@shaw.ca.

Loraine is on holiday with her family in B.C. this week. We are grateful to Rev. Earl Gould (204) 888-1543, who will be on call for emergency pastoral care April 17-23, and to Rev. Dr. Ray Cuthbert, who will lead in the worship service on April 23.



By request the sale has been extended.

Friday, April 28, 7-9 pm,  Sat., April 29, 9am – noon

This is the only sale this year, so we have to make it worthwhile. PLEASE, sign up in the narthex for whatever you can do. Bring your family, neighbours or friends to help and share in the fellowship and fun.

Donations can be put in the storage room under the west stairs.

It is appreciated if donations can be in by noon on Friday, as the sale is occurring in the evening. Please note what items are not accepted.

Thanking you in advance for your co-operation.

Your Rummage Sale Committee: Andrea Firth – 204 489-2284

Dorothy Reid – 204 489-6655  Lee-Ann Blase


We’re going to rock the night away at the NOSTALGIA 50’s PARTY on MAY 6, 7:00 PM beginning with a full and believable Elvis Show featuring the award winning Elvis impersonator, CORNEY REMPEL.   This will be followed by a rock and roll 50’s dance with the Haskin Street Band and our own, Ray McClelland. Games of nostalgia, a hula hoop & a bubble gum blowing contest will go on throughout the evening. **Prizes for the best 50’s costume!** Cash bar.   Ice cream floats and a social lunch to end the evening!   Can you afford to miss it????   NEVER!!!

TICKETS are now available in the narthex or in the office for $20/adult and $8/child (school age12 years.) “Pay as you are able” available in the office.


Newsletter – Our next newsletter will be coming out on May 14 and will have information about the summer services & activities. Please send your newsletter articles to Ingrid Peters Derry by Easter Sunday, April 16 regarding the summer or advance notice for the fall. The next newsletter will come out in early September. This will be Ingrid’s last newsletter that she is editing and we are grateful to her for all of her work. We are looking for another newsletter editor—if you are interested, please let the office know. Newsletter deadline submissions is Apr. 16 Please contact Ingrid Peters Derry at petersderry@shaw.ca.

We will be celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism on Christian Family Sunday, May 14 (Mother’s Day). If anyone else would like to have their children baptized, please let Loraine know.

Volunteer opportunity – Ushers needed

If you would like to be included on the usher email list or are currently on the list and would like to be removed, please contact Andrea Firth at afirth485@gmail.com or 204-489-2284. Whether you are available most Sundays or only occasionally, your participation is both welcome and needed.  Instructions will be provided.  Sign-up is usually via a Doodle email poll – I will help you learn how to use it if this system is new to you.

Rummage Request- If anyone has a somewhat sturdy portable clothing rack or coat tree you could lend for display for the sale, we’d be grateful if we could borrow it. Better displays make for more sales!

Please contact Andrea Firth at 204-489-2284 if you can help with this.


1 Westworth will provide a hot lunch for approximately 160 people at West Broadway Community Ministry (WBCM) on Thursday, April 20. If you are able to provide a box of pre-cooked frozen meatballs, or pasta sauce or buns, or fruit, or cookies, a sign-up sheet is available in the narthex. In addition, volunteers for preparation and serving are needed. You may leave the box of meatballs, buns, fruit or cookies in the fridge in the Westworth kitchen on Wednesday, Apr. 19 OR if you wish to have your contribution picked up, or to make other arrangements, please contact the April hosts Carol and Clark Wilkie at 204 896-3618.

Save the Date

  1. Did you know that there was a Residential School right in our Westworth neighbourhood? The Assiniboia School housed senior students for decades, and the former students are gathering for a reunion and commemoration weekend June 23and 24. Westworth is privileged to host the Friday night event that will include a gathering and “feast”. Your Outreach Team is asking that you “save the date” so that you may be able to make a difference in what will be a very poignant weekend for these folks. Keep checking the bulletin in the coming weeks for all the exciting details!


Minute for Mission

God’s World Needs Leaders

Our gifts for Mission & Service support theological education. Let us hear a reflection from the Rev. Bronwyn Corlett, Ministry and Recruitment Program Coordinator, on what it means to answer the call to ministry.

  1. Why do bad things happen to good people?
  2. What is the right way to grieve?
  3. How do we retell gospel stories in a responsible and inspiring way?
  4. What does it mean to offer a ministry of presence?
  5. Can you explain how Paul’s theology evolves throughout his           letters?
  6. Can you explain how your own theology has evolved over the        years? These are just some of the questions theological education wrestles with. I know my biggest take-away from my theological education was a deeper understanding of how little I knew and the incredible importance of lifelong learning. Challenging assumptions and questioning convictions helps to break open scripture and faith and bring the gospel to life. At other times, the incredible wisdom of those who have come before shines through and lights up the importance of understanding and respecting our history and tradition.



To deepen our awareness of what God is calling us to, we need to engage in theological education to discern and deepen our understanding of what it means to be a part of the body of Christ today.

We sing thanksgiving that our gifts support theological schools and education centres that provide training and continuing education for all who are answering God’s call!


If Mission & Service is already a regular part of your giving, thank you

so much! If you have not given for Mission & Service, please join me in

making Mission & Service a regular part of your life of faith. In all our

Mission & Service giving, with a willing heart, we sing thanksgiving

to God!



Easter Blessings

to you and

your Family!