Messy Church

messyThe  next Westworth Messy Church event will be held Sunday, April 17th from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm. The activity will be the creation of a banner depicting the three messy church themes of Love God, Love your neighbor and Love God’s world. The meal, a simple one of bread, cheese, and fresh fruit & vegetables. Sign up in the narthex, or e-mail Judy at     A collection will be taken to cover the cost of groceries.

The corresponding outreach activity will be on May 27th at Winnipeg Harvest from 6:00 till 8:00 pm. A tour and orientation will be given, and people of all ages can come out (to a maximum of 25 individuals). We will be sorting food & nonfood items, & discarding spoiled potatoes, & onions, as well as checking expiry dates on donated food items.