Westworth United Church Women

Westworth is part of a national network of UCW (United Church Women), whose mission is to “love God; foster Christian commitment, faithfulness, and spirituality; and promote respect and love for all God’s creation”. UCW has played a significant part in the life and work of Westworth since 1962.

There are two groups (called “units”) that meet as UCW.

Unit 77 meets to discuss books and share in fellowship on the third Wednesday afternoon of each month from September till May.

Unit 94 meets for a short devotion, guest speakers and friendship on the third Tuesday evening of each month from September till May. The members support young mothers at West Broadway Community Services, providing gift bags of baby “layette” items.

Additional women’s groups include:

The Women’s Spirituality Group which meets the second Saturday morning of each month.  Meetings involve a mix of personal sharing followed by a discussion of a topic chosen by the group.

The Women’s Klatch which meets monthly on a Sunday afternoon to socialize.

The Westworth UCW sponsors two annual events:

Thankoffering Service and Dessert Party in June.  All are welcome to attend, and this is an opportunity to support the United Church Mission and Service Fund through individual donations.

Timeless Treasures Sale and Tea in late October or early November, where guests can socialize, shop for preserves, baking, crafts and treasures and enjoy tea and scones. Proceeds support the life and work of the congregation.

Anyone identifying as a woman is invited to join in the fellowship and service that these units and groups provide. Contact the church office for information on how to reach the leaders of these groups.