Feb. 16 Bulletin

Westworth United Church

1750 Grosvenor Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba

on Treaty One Territory in the heart of the Métis Nation


6th Sunday after Epiphany

Feb 16, 2020


We Gather to Worship

Welcome and Announcements

Candle-Lighting & Prelude

Introit       “Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now”                William Byrd


Call to Worship                                            adapted from Éric Hébert-Daly

What a joy to be gathered together as one people

in all our diversity,

in all our strengths and weaknesses,

with all our different perspectives,

with all our different voices.


We draw on this diversity to better see the world

as God has created,

by empathizing with our neighbours,

even those with whom we disagree;


We come to this place with our humanity,

human beings that share fears and hopes,

insecurities and desires,

pain and passion.

Let us worship as one people.


Hymn:       “Do Lord, O Do Lord” (Please see insert)

Children’s Story

Hymn:       “Standing in the Need of Prayer”

The Peace of Christ

One: May the peace of Christ be with you.

All: And also with you.

(Please extend to others a blessing of peace with words such as,  “Peace be with you,” or “Peace,” with the response, “And also with you.” Following the Passing of the Peace, the children may go to Sunday School.)


Prayer of Confession

      Merciful God,

      There are days when the blood boils

            and the words spill over.

      Forgive us when we let our anger get the better of us.

      Forgive our words and actions that we regret.

      Grant us the courage and compassion

            to listen to those who are angry with us.

      Give us the ability to understand the other,

            even when we disagree.

      Help us resist the temptation to ignore and deny

            the walls of division.

      Grant us the miracle of reconciliation

            in these angry and polarizing times.


Words of Assurance


We Hear the Word

Responsive Reading VU 838 “Psalm 119,” Part One, Refrain 2


Gospel Lesson: Matthew 5:21-26

This is the Gospel of Christ.

Thanks be to God.

Sung Response:  VU 895 “Gloria”


Anthem:                            “My Lighthouse”                     Rend Collective

Sermon                 “Moving Beyond the Impasse”


We Respond

Hymn MV 76        “If I Have Been the Source of Pain”            CAMACUA




Dedication Hymn VU 81, vs 3 “As With Gladness”

Offertory Prayer


Prayers of the People

Prayer Introit:  865 “Hear Our Prayer”                  George Whelpton

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession

The Lord’s Prayer VU 959 (sung)


Hymn :                  “When the Saints”


Sung Response: VU 87, refrain “I am the Light of the World”

Postlude         “Every Time I Feel the Spirit”                 arr. Mark Hayes



Welcome to all the youth and leaders attending Zeebu

this weekend.


Our thanks to the Dixie Beats for their musical offerings today.


Minister:  Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd

westworthminister@gmail.com                                            204 489-6974 Ext. 22

Director of Music: Debbie McLeod    Cherub Choir Director: Jewel Casselman

Organist:  Dorcas Windsor           Westworth Winds Director:  Ray McClelland

Minister Emerita:  Eleanor Geib

Coordinator of Children, Youth & Family Ministries:               Maggie Barnett

204 489-6974 Ext. 23                                              churchschool@westworth.ca

Office Administrator:  Heather Lavery                               office@westworth.ca

Church Phone # 204 489-6974 Ext. 20                                 www.westworth.ca

Church Accountant:  Jenny Jeffers              churchaccountant@westworth.ca

Welcomers:  Kathy & Alan W.

Host:  Heather R.

Ushers:  Carol & Paul G.

Scripture Reader:  Shirley W.


We extend our condolences to Peter Mitchell and Jan Harper and family on the passing of Peter’s dad, Bill, who died last week.


SUNDAY SCHOOL The children will be learning about Following the Star (Matthew 2:1-12)

Welcome ZEEBU!!   Westworth has been anticipating your visit for some time.  We hope you are having an enriching experience at your retreat and that you will return to your home communities with a deeper understanding of your Christian Faith and how it can guide you in your daily life.

CELEBRATE SUNDAY is the last Sunday of each month, Westworth will acknowledge and celebrate Mile Stone events in your life.  If you have a Birthday Anniversary, Graduation or any other accomplishment, please write it on a slip of paper and place it in our Celebration Box in the Narthex.  At the end of the service, Loraine will read them out.  You are welcome to bring cookies or cake to help celebrate your event. These will be served with coffee after church.


Progress on the Sanctuary Window Project continues with $ 33,244 in donations, pledges and confirmed grants to date. A Q & A Information sheet about the project is in the Narthex. Thanks to those who have contributed, other donations are welcome.

THINKING OF MAKING A DONATION?   We are most grateful for all donations to support the work of Westworth. By making a donation with an envelope and providing your name we are able to send you a receipt. Donations can be made with a credit card through our website, www.westworth.ca. Click on the Donate tab for a secure transaction.  Donations can also be made through E-transfer to the church email address, donate@westworth.ca , please send a separate email to obtain instructions. Donations for general purposes or for the Building, Memorial or Westworth Funds, for special projects or to celebrate special occasions can all be made as outlined above. Please include a note with your donation so we can honour your intentions. Thank you for thinking of Westworth.

WANTED: WESTWORTH REGIONAL REPS FOR THE UNITED CHURCH’S PRAIRIE TO PINE REGION. This is the equivalent of our Conference reps, which Dorcas & Kirk have been for many years. After having served so well for so long, they have stepped down. Dan and Ruth W. served as our Regional Reps for last year. We are now looking for 1-4 regional reps for this year. The responsibilities require attending the annual meeting of the Region. This year, the region is meeting in Steinbach from Thursday afternoon May 28-Saturday afternoon May 30. Funding is available to assist with registration, hotel and food. This is a great opportunity to meet people from other United Churches across Manitoba and NW Ontario. Please let Loraine or Eunice know if you are interested or have questions.

2020 Lenten Challenge

Westworth is trying something new this year. We are giving up meetings for Lent in order to make a bit more space for us to indulge in spiritual reflection. We hope that everyone will consider spending 15 minutes/day reflecting on a biblical passage as it relates to our personal lives. We will be providing workbooks that will take us through the Gospel of Matthew. Each day will offer a biblical passage, some background to it, a question for us to reflect upon, and a prayer. Workbooks are available after the service today.

We are also offering small groups for people to join and meet once a week for 5 weeks during the month of March. These small groups will help people get to know each other as they share reflections with one another. Various times for small groups are listed in the narthex. Please choose one time that fits your schedule and sign up.

upcoming events

A LEARNING AND SHARING OPPORTUNITY FOR PERSONS WITH DEMENTIA AND PARTNERS IN CARE.” Pat S. is leading a five session opportunity to investigate the research in dementia and share personal stories with others. The goal of the sessions is to open up opportunities of strength and self preservation for the care giver. These sessions will allow participants to explore the possibilities and understand the need for an individual diagnosed with dementia to be part of decision making in their care. This program will give the care giver, family and the person diagnosed with this debilitating disease, the tools to maintain personhood and a loving relationship with family thru this very difficult journey. This Thursday is the last session from 1:30-3:30 pm.

The Unit 77 Book Group will meet on Wednesday, February 19 at 1:30 p.m. in the church parlour to discuss the book The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane by Lisa See.  All are welcome to attend.

UCW UNIT 94 will be meeting on Tuesday, February 18th at 7:30pm. A special feature for this meeting will be a Quilting Trunk Show. Anyone is welcome to attend.

Please keep in mind the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING has been set for Feb. 23, 2020. WORSHIP WILL BEGIN AT 10:30 AM ON THIS DAY. Annual Reports will be available on the coffee ledge in narthex.

COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS Belated Valentine Evening  Let your wonderful Sunday school staff child mind on Friday February 21st from 6.30pm-8.00pm while you enjoy an evening with that special someone!! There will be a movie, snacks and board games offered.

REUNION FOR THE RIVER HEIGHTS 1980’S Y-NEIGHBOUR GROUP  February 27th (Thursday) Time: 2.00pm-4.00pm Westworth UC Please bring a dozen of your favourite dainties to share. Coffee and tea provided.

SAMEDI SWING Feb. 29 at 7:00pm. Join us for an evening of music and desserts with our Westworth Big Band and the Dixie Beats. Tickets available at the office and are available in the narthex after service: $15/adult; $10/child; $40/family.




This month’s lunch will be hosted by Brian and Barb G., but all food and volunteer prep and serving will be offered by the members of the River Heights Junior High’s Butterfly Effects Club. Westworth’s Petra Thanisch is the club’s staff advisor. Allan M. and staff from West Broadway will provide mini-workshops that will introduce the students to the life and work of the West Broadway Community Ministry.

  1. WEST BROADWAY COMMUNITY MINISTRY (WBCM) Thanks to so many of you who, each Sunday, fill the buckets to overflowing with nutritious foods destined for West Broadway. Most needed is protein: tins of meat, chili, stews, fish, beans, and small jars of peanut butter. Also needed are feminine hygiene products and bath towels. Travelling soon? Please remember WBCM by collecting those small containers of soap, shampoo, and conditioner. They are used when guests take a shower at the facility.


  • SAVE THE DATE May 2nd is Oak Table’s 40th Anniversary Celebration. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend.  There will be a bidding auction, a photo booth for you to record the event with friends and family, ragtime 40’s entertainment, along with an opportunity to win a grand prize. It will be a great time. Tickets will be available April 1st, but you can reserve your spot by emailing the office at admincoord@oaktable.ca.Tables are configured for 6 or 8 people this year, but if you have more than 8 we are happy to seat you next to one another. You can make this event a success by giving it your support, and asking your friends/family to join you. Thank you for helping to make 2019 another successful year for Oak Table.
  • Wpg’s Music for Life Working Group wishes to thank everyone who contributed money and musical instruments that made possible a 2-week Kids’ 2019 Summer Music Camp in Cross Lake First Nation. This year they are seeking support for music-based youth suicide and gang prevention programs at: Wapanohk (Cree) Community School in Thompson, and Indigenous Family Centre in Winnipeg’s north end. They are looking for donations of musical instruments (guitars, fiddles, ukuleles, keyboards, drum sets or the money to buy them. $50 puts a ukulele in a child’s hands, $150 for a guitar, $250 for a violin. Make financial donations online to Wpg. Quakers at CanadaHelps.org with the message “Music for Life”. Or cheques can be mailed to Winnipeg Quaker Meeting with “Music for Life” on memo line and mail to Rev. Vencent Solomon, Anglican Indigenous Ministries, 935 Nesbitt Bay, Wpg., MB R3T 1W6
  • Quiz Night Sat. February 22 7:30pm Mary’s Rd. UC Admission $20 613 St. Mary’s Rd. Test your trivia knowledge!
  • “An Evening of Musical Excellence!” Sat, Feb 22, 2020, 7:00 pm, Fort Garry UC, 800 Point Rd. This fundraising evening will showcase violin, flute, guitar, piano, cello, as well as choral & solo vocals. Tickets are $20. Call the office at 204-475-1586 for tickets, or email fguc@shaw.ca.
  • The Winnipeg Singers present “Icons and Incense: music of the Russian Orthodox Tradition”with guest cellist Yuri Hooker. Sun. Feb. 23 at 3pm Crescent Ft. Rouge UC Tickets are $30 adults/$25 seniors and $15 for under 30.
  • “Living Healthy with Diabetes”. Presented by: Aimee Bowcott, R.D. The Community Health and Wellbeing Program will take place at Temple Shalom, 1077 Grant Ave. at 1:30, Wednesday, March 4. All are welcome, especially those over 55. Entrance is free. Refreshments provided.


Minute for Mission

A Way to Heal

Thanks to Affirm United and Mission & Service, the Living Apology Project gave many a place to heal and to learn. Seeing the poems, laments, stories, and pieces of art created by people affected by the 1988 decision to accept LGBTQIA2S+ people as full members in The United Church of Canada was therapeutic for some; for others, it conjured up memories of anger and fear.

The late Former Moderator Anne Squire shared the first reflection on the Iridesce website:

My secretary once handed me a letter, saying, “I don’t want to give you this, but I have to.” It was from Elizabeth, outlining her work in the church; she said the last straw was the possible ordination of gay and lesbian people. She ended with “My prayer is that you will be stricken with AIDS. Yours in Christ, Elizabeth.”

Another day a big box arrived with no indication of the sender. One of my staff said, “Don’t open it; it might be a bomb.” I said, “We can’t live in fear this way.” Inside were two 10-inch cubes of acrylic; embedded in each was a metal rod that had been bent into a Greek letter. One was Alpha and the other was Omega. When someone asked what this meant, I said it meant that God was with us at the beginning of our life and will be with us at the end. I also felt that it meant that God was with us in this divisive project and would help guide us.

To answer that hurtful letter now, I say, “Yes, Elizabeth, I do have aids but not the kind you are talking about. My aids are Affirm, my family, my friends, and my faith.”

If Mission & Service giving is already a regular part of your life, thank you so much! If you have not given, please join me in making Mission & Service giving a regular part of your life of faith. Loving our neighbour is at the heart of our Mission & Service.


Do Lord

  1. Do Lord, O, Do Lord, O do remember me

[Repeat: x3]
Way beyond the blue.

  1. I’ve got a home in glory land that out-shines the sun. [Repeat: x3]
    Way beyond the blue.

Instrumental interlude

  1. I took Jesus as my Saviour, you take Him too.

[Repeat: x3]
Way beyond the blue.

  1. Do Lord, O, Do Lord, O do remember me

[Repeat: x3]
Way beyond the blue.




Refrain:  It’s me, it’s me, O Lord,
Standin’ in the need of prayer;
It’s me, it’s me, O Lord,
Standin’ in the need of prayer.

1 Not my brother, not my sister, but it’s me, O Lord, Standin’ in the need of prayer;
Not my brother, not my sister, but it’s me, O Lord, Standin’ in the need of prayer.

Instrumental interlude


2 Not my father, not my mother, but it’s me, O Lord, Standin’ in the need of prayer;
Not my father, not my mother, but it’s me, O Lord, Standin’ in the need of prayer.

Instrumental interlude


4 Not the stranger, not my neighbor, but it’s me, O Lord, Standin’ in the need of prayer;
Not the stranger, not my neighbor, but it’s me, O Lord, Standin’ in the need of prayer.


Oh, when the saints go marching in
Oh, when the saints go marching in
Lord how I want to be in that number
When the saints go marching in

And when the sun begins to shine
And when the sun begins to shine
Lord, how I want to be in that number
When the sun begins to shine

Oh, when the trumpet sounds its call
Oh, when the trumpet sounds its call
Lord, how I want to be in that number
When the trumpet sounds its call