Congregational Email Oct. 15, 2020

Congregational Email

Oct. 15, 2020

Dear Congregants,

Our cooling weather reminds us that we are digging in for the long haul. I take hope in the fact that we are Winnipeggers. We know how to do winter well. And COVID restrictions shouldn’t stop us gathering with friends and family to walk, ski, skate, make snow forts and snow people. As we put our gardens to bed and prepare for the snow, we will be ok.

With that assurance of Winnipeg hardiness, our Worship Team began this week to creatively brainstorm about future worship services, including Advent and Christmas. If you have creative suggestions, please send them in! There is still reason to be joyful and thankful. Christ comes to us in whatever state or condition we find ourselves and this alone is reason for joy. Nancy & I have already received our first batch of Shirley Watt’s scones (the best on this planet!) and are looking forward to trying out new jams and jellies from our UCW. Even more reason for delight!

For our upcoming Remembrance Day service, we would like to show our PowerPoint again of family members who have served in the Armed Forces. Please note that this will be included in our YouTube recording and posted on our website, so if there are any pictures that you have sent in previous years that you don’t want included, please let the office know. If you have additional pictures that you would like to add, please send them to the church office.

Stay warm and stay safe.



CE Sunday school News

This week’s Sunday school lesson on Abraham and Sarah’s Visitors has been sent by e-mail. It includes all the age groups from N/K to G5/6, with the activity sheets.

The craft for the next few weeks will be delivered to your homes, this week the craft is a foam and printable face. If you heard really good news, how big would your smile be?

Use the faces to draw and colour you smiling!

If any families would like to have their child light a candle at home, record it,  and send it to me, we would like to use it for  ‘Lighting the Christ Candle’ in the online service.

If by accident we missed you or you need a printed copy of the curriculum, please let me know at

The Sunday school teachers will be on Zoom this Sunday morning from 10.15am-10.40am to talk about the lesson, then  join Loraine for the on-line service at 10.45am  for  ‘Time with the Children’ at the beginning of the service.

The bible story and Lord’s prayer read by your Sunday school teachers are on the Westworth Facebook page for you to view.



Canadian Foodgrains Bank donations to end global hunger

We have received $1,220 for this special Thanksgiving offering. Thank you for your support.


Interfaith Responses to Racism, Mondays, 7:00 pm via Zoom, Oct. 19-Nov. 23, 2020

Please note that the Nov. 9 & 16 below have been interchanged.

Oct. 19             Abrahamic Faith Responses to Racism

Shahina Siddiqui, Islamic Social Services Association

Rabbi Kliel Rose, Etz Chayim Synagogue

Rev. Dr. Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd, Westworth United Church

Oct. 26             Systemic Racism in Manitoba and Canada

Louise Simbandumwe, SEED Winnipeg

Nov 2               Intersection of Racism & Islamophobia

Shahina Siddiqui, Islamic Social Services Association

Nov 9               Intersection of Racism & Colonization

Dr. Niigaan Sinclair, University of Manitoba

Nov 16             Intersection of Racism & Antisemitism

Rabbi Kliel Rose, Etz Chayim Synagogue

Nov 23             White Privilege

Dr. Marion McKay, University of Manitoba, retired


Registration is limited. Email asap.

To register, please email  with “registration” in subject line. Priority will be given to those who can attend all sessions.

To accompany this study series, please consider reading the book, White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism, by Robin Diangelo.

Sponsored by Westworth United Church

Etz Chayim Synagogue

Islamic Social Services Association

Islamic History Month Canada


Finance News

1. Stewardship campaign countdown….

Thanks  to those who have returned their pledge and a gentle reminder to everyone else to please return your stewardship pledge in time for dedication on October 25th. The Westworth budget is set based on pledges received and the Finance Committee counts on pledges to guide our budget and planning.

2.Thanks for the special surprise….

All we can do is say thanks so much for the wonderful surprise! This week Westworth was advised that an anonymous supporter has made a gift of securities to Westworth through the online giving site Canada Helps. We have no way of finding out who made this special gift and we respect their request for anonymity. Thanks again.

3.  During our stewardship campaign is a good time to let members know that through the Canada Helps website ( donations can be made to Westworth using a credit card. This is the only way for Westworth to accept a credit card donation. Canada Helps can also be used to make gifts of securities to Westworth just as it did for our surprise donor. Gifts through Canada Helps can be made anonymously, but we appreciate the opportunity to say thank you. Canada Helps issues receipts for gifts made on their site.

Ron Bailey, Chair of Finance


HOME BAKING – YES, WE SAID HOME BAKING!  Need a gift or a Saturday morning treat?  Got a favourite jam, jelly, chutney or other preserve you always buy from the Home Baking Table at the Bazaar?  We made them even if there isn’t a Bazaar! Your favourites are available.  There are limited quantities for all items.  We will do our best to fill your requests – first come, first served.  An order form will be available by email this week and in your Stewardship package.  Payment is by cheque, made out to Westworth United Church, or cash (exact change, please).  Feel free to pass this information along if you have a friend or neighbour who enjoys a special jam each year.  You can order on their behalf and deliver directly to them (with our thanks).  Let’s have a little fun and raise a little money for the work of our congregation!  ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY OCTOBER 27 AND PICK UP CAN BE ARRANGED FOR FRIDAY, OCT. 30, SATURDAY, OCT. 31 OR SUNDAY, NOV. 1.  The jams and jelly taste very good with a scone. Jam and Scones order form is attached to congregational email.

SCONES BY SHIRLEY! Are also available by special order.  Shirley Watts makes wonderful scones and she is offering to bake them for you.  They are available in an 8” round for $6.00, prepaid, and you are able to order a few at a time.  They taste very good with a little jam!  Please call Shirley at (204)489-7695 to place an order.


UCW News

There are 2 UCW Units at Westworth United Church and all women are welcome to attend.

Unit 94 meets on the third Tuesday evening of each month from September to May. In past years the evening usually included a short meeting, a devotion prepared by one of the members, a guest speaker and time for fellowship around a light snack. This year, with Covid limitations, they began the year with a masked, physically distanced meeting in the Parlour. Future plans include Zoom meetings to discuss preselected Podcasts. The October 20 discussion will be focused on “Tapestry@25: life advice from Rabbi Harold Kushner”  Contacts for Unit 94 are Gladys Cadieux or Nancy Doern-White

Unit 77 meets on the third Wednesday afternoon of each month from September to May to discuss a preselected book. The members are currently meeting by Zoom. This year’s books include:  Educated, Tara Westover, The Library Book Susan Orlean, White Fragility Robin DiAngelo, Five Wives Joan Thomas, The Dutch House Ann Patchett, After Light Catherine Hunter and Provisionally Yours Antanas Sileika.  The contact for Unit 77 is Dorcas Windsor


  1. West Broadway Community Ministry: 
  2. Lunches: Outreach is grateful to the Gwyers, the Wynes, the McKays, Dianne Sjoberg and Ruth Wiwchar for preparing bagged sub lunches for the folks at West Broadway on Thursday October 15. Lunches were served through the window on Broadway and  were very much appreciated. Because the Westworth building is currently closed, the Outreach Team asks that the congregation to continue your generous support for the lunch program. The cost of each months lunch is approximately $250. and so your donation to assist with the lunch program is gratefully received! Cheques may be sent to the Westworth office with the memo line indicating “WBCM lunches”.
  3. West Broadway Community Ministry (WBCM) Emergency Pantry: Your generous donations of pork and beans, tuna, KD, peanut butter and other protein – rich food was a blessing! As our building is once again closed, please consider making a donation to the purchasing of food for the pantry. Cheques to Westworth with “WBCM Pantry” on the memo line are gratefully received!
  4. Heartfelt Thanks!: Linda Trono, Community Minister at West Broadway extends her grateful thanks to Westworth for the commitment shown to the Ministry.
  5. Racism: Reject and Respond: A 2-day Professional Development training initiative will be held October 29-30 and November 5-6. Presenters include Shahina Saddiqui and Niigan Sinclair. Registration fee is $ 400.00. For more information call Sarah at 204-944-1560, or go to
  6. Caring for our Environment: Just a gentle reminder that, when disposing of reusable masks, it is important to snip the elastics before placing in the garbage. Thanks!
  7. Thank you Kay Strachan! For decades, Kay has been Westworth’s rep to the Christmas Cheer Board, looking after the pickup and delivery of wool and the knitted toques and mittens. She also has gathered our donated stamps for distribution. Outreach, on behalf of the congregation thanks Kay for her dedication to these initiatives for these many years! We are grateful.