Congregational Email April 29, 2021

Dear Congregants,

Last Saturday, we had an abbreviated Leadership Team retreat via Zoom. I took hope in how much all of our Teams and Committees are doing in spite of our limitations. So many Westworth congregants are giving, serving, knitting, phoning, calling, emailing, texting, zooming to keep our ministries alive and care for those within Westworth and beyond. We also had some preliminary conversations on how we can better engage the community in the use of this building. Initial plans for a community assessment are being made as we discern how God is calling us in new ways to be the hands and feet of Christ.

J. R. R. Tolkien, in The Fellowship of the Ring, writes, “The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.” God grieves with us in our losses, but God also continues to pour love into our souls. The Spirit’s gentle nudgings strengthen our hands and feet to be Christ’s. In Christ’s service, we find that love grows the greater.

On my holiday this week, Nancy and I will be immersing ourselves in Manitoba nature. The resilience of nature is incredible and teaches me patience, gratitude and awe. The annual return of the songbirds promises us everflowing joy. As Terry Tempest Williams writes, “Once upon a time…there was the simple understanding that to sing at dawn and to sing at dusk was to heal the world through joy. The birds still remember what we have forgotten—that the world is meant to be celebrated.” Let’s celebrate all of the gifts in life in bring us joy—they are many and we must remember so that gratitude and joy will grow.

In gratitude,



We had difficulty with our internet connection last Sunday, but re-did the service and it was posted just before 1:00 pm on Sunday. If you encounter technical difficulty whenever you are watching a service, please check back later as we are usually able to trouble shoot, re-record the service if necessary and post by Sunday afternoon.


Loraine is on holiday April 26-May 2 and Rev. Earl Gould is on call for emergency pastoral care during this week. He may be reached at (204) 888-1543.



May 2:

The dynamic duo of Rev. Dr. Mac Watts preaching and Rev. Earl Gould as liturgist with Emily Casselman as soloist.

May 9:

Celebration of Westworth becoming an Affirming Ministry with Rev. Heather Robbins and John Erskine as soloist.

May 16:

Christ above & beyond, within and around with Martin Robson as soloist.

May 23:

Pentecost Sunday with Rev. Earl Gould


This week’s Sunday school lesson ‘The Holy Spirit’  has been sent by e-mail, it includes all the age groups from N/K to G5/6, with the activity sheets.  If you need a printed copy of the curriculum, please let me know at

The Sunday school teachers will be on Zoom this Sunday from 10.15am-10.40am to chat with you. Our theme this week will be about ‘Communication ’. Then join the online service starting at 10.45am this week following Zoom Sunday school .

This week’s bible story is read by Julia, and The Lord’s Prayer is read by Danielle. Your Sunday school teachers are on the Westworth Face Book page for you to view, there is also a link in the CE drop down menu on our web site.


The Bible Story is available here:



Here is the link to access the curriculum:

 There will an Affirming Service for Westworth on May 9th, 2021. The Affirming Committee is asking if Westworth Kids could send in posters to help celebrate this special service, for example Rainbows, to help with decoration of the sanctuary.

They can be e-mailed to me at

 NEW! Sunday School Zoom Information- Please note this is a NEW Meeting ID and Passcode

 Meeting ID: 889 9495 5678

Passcode: 116778





Get out your rainbow colours and join in the celebration on May 9th as Westworth officially becomes an Affirming Congregation!

We have followed the United Church and Affirm United process of education, discussion and involvement of the congregation over several years to reach this point.

The regular service on May 9th will include presentation of the official certificate (by Rev. Ken DeLisle representing Affirm United), a special soloist and reader and, we hope, greetings from friends of Westworth and some of those involved in our education process.

Join us on-line on our You-tube channel at 10:45 a.m. May 9th.


 Four Week Book Study

Tuesdays, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. (Suggested time only. Can be changed depending on interested parties schedules).

June 1, 2021 – June 22, 2021

Via Zoom

Joint study with St. Andrew’s as we discuss with Loraine what she and another colleague, Tammy Allan, discovered on their sabbatical visits to thriving United Churches across Canada in 2019. One chapter includes results from a follow up with these churches last year to see how they were doing during COVID. Bulk orders of the book significantly reduce shipping costs, making the $19.95 book more affordable. If you would like to order a book and/or join the study group, please email Tammy in the Westworth office .

Regitration and book order deadline is May 15th.