Sermon June 23, 2024 by Tricia Gerhard

Let us dare to linger here for just a moment, as we recall the moment in time when we remember Creator saying to us, “I have called you by my name; you are mine.”

The light in you is the same as the light in me.

In all Indigenous teachings, it is taught that we humans are Spirit first.  We are Creator’s sacred spark that is filled with love, compassion and tenderness. We understand our precious world with caring anticipation that cannot wait to experience this breathtaking planet filled with deep blue skies, luscious green fields, and sparking water that nourishes us all.

Quiet yourself for a moment and dream with me about you as a sacred tiny spark. Ground your body, mind, and soul, and let the continuous reeling of thoughts leave your mind. Thank those thoughts and allow them to leave. Imagine you are once again that tiny spirit filled with love and courage.

Observe all of creation as Spirit first. You notice the beautiful glowing Spirit of each eagle, frog, rock and tree.  You can feel the tenderness and warmth that each of us has to offer. Take a breath; breathe in the air that we share, the air that we share with every tiny part of creation.

With an open heart and mind, feel the Spirit of the trickling water as it flows from the smallest of streams to the rushing of long and wide rivers. Let your Spirit soar like an eagle through the air knowing it is cared for as Creator raises you up upon those eagle’s wings.

Open yourself to the strength of each Spirit as it passes by. Know the wisdom it freely shares with you, me, and everyone it bumps into.

Feel free to love, free to experience the joy of life, and humbled to share your strength with others on the journey. Let us hold sacred space for a moment and embrace that warm feeling of peace and knowledge that you and everything around you was Spirit first. We hold everything with tenderness, respect and care.

Please open your hearts.

Throughout the Christian sacred texts, there are dozen of examples of Creator reminding us of our sacred Spirit and how important we are to all of creation. And Creator said, “I have called you by name; you are mine.”

Indigenous traditional teachings share that everything is alive in Spirit. Have you ever thought of a rock having Spirit? Or maybe a leaf? Have you ever sat under a tree and felt the warmth of its Spirit beneath you? Creator did not just say this to you and me. Creator’s voice was heard by all things, living and still. All things, living and still.

Have you ever wondered when Creator said, “You are mine” that it was not just for those who have lungs and a heart?

I want you to take a moment to read the words of the New Creed with me.  We are going to take it slow, so that you can hear and speak the words with intention rather than simply just saying them.

New Creed

We are not alone,

  We live in God’s world.

 We believe in God:

  Who has created and is creating,

  Who has come in Jesus,

      The word mad flesh,

      To reconcile and make new

  Who works in us and others

      By the Spirit,

 We trust in God.

 We are called to be the church:

  To celebrate God’s presence,

  To live with respect in Creation,

  To love and serve others,

  To seek justice and resist evil,

  To proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen,

      Our judge and our hope.

 In life, in death, in life beyond death,

  God is with us.

We are not alone.

 Thanks be to God.

 Our New Creed reminds us that we are not alone and that Creator is still creating. Does that not point to all creation being alive and a part of our Spirit?

Hear these words from the Gospel of Matthew, as translated in the First Nations Version of the Gospel

Here is one of the many stories he told them: “Listen!” he said, “A seed planter went to plant some seeds and began to scatter them about on the ground. Some seeds fell on the village pathway and the winged ones pecked at the seeds and ate them all. 

Some of the seeds fell on the rocks where there was only a little dirt. The plants sprouted up quickly, but when the sun came out, they dried up because they had no roots.  Other seeds fell into the weeds and thistles sprouted around the seeds and choked the life out of them.

 But some seeds fell on good ground, grew strong and gave a harvest. Some gave one hundred times what was planted, some sixty, and others thirty. The ones who have ears, let them hear and understand!”

 The story tells us that seeds landing on good soil thrive, and are harvested in great amounts.  They thrived in a flourishing environment. Does this not speak to all of creation having energy and life?

And Creator said, “You are the light that gives light to the world.” We are called as bold disciples to not only share our light but also to send it out into the world to do all things in a good way.

In today’s busy and demanding world, the beauty of our Spirit and the Spirit of others often goes unnoticed – or worse, we close ourselves and no longer seek to experience another’s living Spirit. We have forgotten that we were Spirit first and no one’s Spirit dies or wither’s away. Sometimes people try to squash our Spirit or take it away, but it is not theirs. We are called to do more.

And Creator said, “People, don’t hide a light…”

Your Spirit is yours to hold and to protect and to share with the world. Your Spirit helps you to know the world in a way that is beyond us. Creator gave us our Spirit to show honesty, love, courage, humility and respect, and to share our wisdom and truth.

In Indigenous teachings and in the Christian teachings, the way has always been and will always be to seek the Spirit in others and feed our Spirit generously with kindness and compassion so all of creation can flourish. Amen.