The Westworth Stewardship Committee invites you to “Planning a Funeral or Memorial Service” on Saturday morning May 3 from 9 to 12.
This workshop will be led by Rev. Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd and representatives of the Funeral Planning and Memorial Society of Manitoba. This workshop will look at the options available for marking the end of a life.
The workshop will assist you to understand the roles played by ministers, funeral homes and families in planning and preparing a funeral or memorial service. It will also explain the legal requirements and various services provided by funeral homes and service options offered by the church. Many people have found that planning ahead has made an important difference in giving them peace of mind and setting out what they wish at the time of their funeral.
To register please sign up in the narthex or call Heather at Westworth (204-489-6974 ext. 20). The workshop takes place in the parlor and seating is limited. This workshop is free, although there will be a silver collection to cover the cost of handouts from the Funeral Planning and Memorial Society of Manitoba.