May 8, 2020
Congregational Email Update
Dear Congregants,
I ask for your prayers of wisdom for our Leadership Team. We are having a retreat on Saturday, May 9 via Zoom as we look prayerfully and creatively at our ministry in light of our new reality of lockdown. We will be identifying essential functions and activities of Westworth’s ministry and discussing creative ways to continue these ministries while restrictions on use of the building remain. The Worship Team will be meeting next week, followed by the Council on May 26.
Please remember our extended deadline of May 11 for Special Appeal donations. These help non-profit organizations, some of whom are struggling more than usual at this time. Should you not be needing your $200 senior’s cheque… J
This pandemic is teaching us many things about effective ministry. We are realizing that on-line worship is reaching far more people than we would normally have in the building. Almost every service has been viewed over 200 times, and often more than one person is watching each view. This past Sunday we were at just over 100 views, as we move past our Easter and special-themed services. We have been able to reach people who would normally be unable to participate because of physical restrictions. We have also been able to offer a service to the wider community—especially to those whose churches have been unable to offer online worship.
For the month of May, we will continue to have online services, followed by After Church Café at 11:30 am. The Zoom link is below, accompanied by phone numbers if you cannot connect by computer. Please note that you will be calling long distance. This link is the same for each Sunday.
Click on this link at 11:30 am on Sunday to join the After Church Café:
Meeting ID: 922 2364 9526
Password: 073982
You may also dial any of the following long-distance numbers:
+1 778 907 2071 Canada
+1 438 809 7799 Canada
+1 587 328 1099 Canada
+1 647 374 4685 Canada
+1 647 558 0588 Canada
We need to learn how to ride the wave of this pandemic, and let the Spirit take us where she will. We cannot fight it nor control it—it is too powerful and will only break us if we resist. As we lean into the wave, we may learn that we need to drop the things that are dragging us down. We may learn that we need to be open to opportunities we would otherwise resist. Where is the wave taking us as a congregation and as individuals? Over the next few weeks, we will be making plans for June and for the summer. We have no choice but to listen to the Spirit as we ride this wave into the future.
Blessings and guidance for each of you as you learn how to surf this wave.
From your CE Team
“Westworth Winds-up West Broadway” activity.
In case you missed the news, Andrea Firth has placed a box for food contributions to West Broadway at her front entrance. It is hoped that this concrete contribution to the work of 1Just City by our young people, in lieu of our usual wind-up, will help remind them of their connection to Westworth and to the wider community. If parents so desire, their children may also include notes of encouragement to the guests of West Broadway. If you have lost your church directory and cannot find Andrea’s address…feel free to contact Dianne Sjoberg ( and she will give it to you.
Following is a list of the items that most suit West Broadway emergency package needs:
Individually packaged oatmeal
Individually packaged fruit cups
Individually packaged puddings
Kraft Dinner
Canned Soup
Canned Tuna
Canned Ham
SMALL containers of peanut butter
Coming to a Doorstep Near You
We have had a great response to our delivery of Sidewalk Chalk to our families. Art is springing up on the steps and sidewalks in front of our building. If you did not receive chalk, and would like to contribute your masterpiece to the neighbourhood around Westworth, contact Dianne Sjoberg to receive a package.
These works of art and hopscotch games can be created anytime you feel the spirit, just let Dianne know at the date and timeframe you intend to be there….first come first served. Should more than one family want the space at one time, Dianne will advise one family to try to find another time, this to ensure physical distancing.
From Twila McNair, Our United Church Youth Coordinator
This week Marissa will be hosting the weekly Virtual Youth Drop-in using the platform Zoom. Meetings are 2:30pm on Thursdays. New people are welcome to join each week. Those who joined last week are welcome to keep coming and to invite their friends. The meetings are open to any youth grades 5 and up from Prairie to Pine Region. We will play some games over Zoom and break into smaller groups for wellness check-ins and conversation.
We need to give the hosts a heads-up each week as to how many youth they can expect to have joining them. Please email Twila before Tuesday morning if you plan to join the group. Click on the following link just before 2:30pm on Thursdays to join Virtual Youth Drop-In
The numbers below should ONLY be used by those whose Wifi is not strong enough to fully support Zoom. When you join by the link above, IF you find that the audio is not clear, you can first try to turn off your camera/video to see if that clears up your audio. If it doesn’t, OR if you are doing something in the youth drop-in where it would be helpful for others to be able to see your video, then you can call one of the numbers below to join the audio portion by phone. If you have free calling within Canada, then please use one of the first 5 numbers. If not, you can use the toll free number and the United Church will pay.
+1 587 328 1099 Canada
+1 647 374 4685 Canada
+1 647 558 0588 Canada
+1 778 907 2071 Canada
+1 438 809 7799 Canada
855 703 8985 Canada Toll-free