At Westworth United Church, we value the faithful financial support of our Community of Faith and we appreciate the generous gifts received from visitors and members of our broader community.
Donate online
Make a one-time donation
Select “donate once” on our CanadaHelps form to make a secure, one-time donation to Westworth through CanadaHelps.
Set up a monthly donation
Select “donate monthly” on our CanadaHelps form to set up a secure, monthly donation through CanadaHelps. Your monthly donation is transferred from your account to Westworth. To change or stop your donations at any time visit CanadaHelps.
Donate by phone or mail
Make a one-time donation
Call the office to donate with your credit card or mail a donation to us with a cheque, payable to “Westworth United Church.”
Set up a recurring donation (PAR)
Mail this completed PAR Authorization Form [add hyperlink] to us with a blank cheque marked “VOID.” Your monthly donation is transferred from your account to Westworth United Church. To change or stop your donations at any time contact the office.
Donate securities
Donate the proceeds of the sale of securities, like stocks and mutual funds, to Westworth through CanadaHelps or the United Church of Canada Foundation. Documents should direct the donation to “Westworth United Church.”
Legacy gifts
Contact the United Church of Canada Foundation to establish a legacy gift, such as a bequest or estate gift. These are lasting expressions of financial support for the values you embraced during your life. Documents should direct the gifts to “Westworth United Church.” A portion of each bequest or estate donation received is directed to the General Fund and the balance is to the Westworth Fund.
Tax Receipts
Westworth United Church
For donations made directly to Westworth United Church, we issue charitable tax receipts for donations in February. Contact the office if you have questions.
For donations made through CanadaHelps, your tax receipt is issued at the time of your donation. If you have misplaced your tax receipt, you can request a copy through the CanadaHelps website.
We are committed to the open and transparent stewardship of our finances. The Finance and Stewardship Committee manages Westworth’s finances, with support from the Church Accountant and Office Administrator. Each year there is an independent review of the accounts and the budget is presented to the Community of Faith for approval at the Annual General Meeting.
There are several funds that support our ministry and operations:
- General Fund – for day-to-day operations, salaries.
- Music Enhancement Fund – for Westworth’s Choral Scholar program.
- Building Reserve Fund – for repairs and upgrades to the building and property.
- Memorial Fund – for special projects that promote Westworth’s life, work, and building.
- Westworth Fund – for our long-term financial stability.
Contact us
Phone: 204-489-6974, ext. 20
Mail: Westworth United Church, 1750 Grosvenor Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3N 0H9