Westworth United Church
1750 Grosvenor Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba
on Treaty One Territory in the heart of the Métis Nation
Third Sunday of Advent
December 15, 2019
We Gather to Worship
Welcome and Announcements”
Candle-Lighting & Prelude: “Mary, Woman of the Promise”
A.Fedak/M. Graham
Introit: “God of the Watching Ones” Lee Dengler
Advent Candle Lighting
Hymn VU 59 “Joy to the World” ANTIOCH
Children’s Story
Hymn VU 7, vs 3 “Hope Is a Star” MOON BEAMS
Cherubs sing 3rd verse and the congregation joins in the refrain, vs. 2, 1.
Peace of Christ
One: May the peace of Christ be with you.
All: And also with you.
(Please extend to others a blessing of peace with words such as, “Peace be with you,” or “Peace,” with the response, “And also with you.” Following the Passing of the Peace, the children may go to Sunday School.)
Prayer of Confession
Creator God,
We confess discouragement
when confronted with poverty and violence.
We confess hopelessness
when our earth continues to suffer from our abuse.
We confess disbelief that You are actually among us, leading us to a kinder world.
Renew our hope through the biblical stories of our ancestors.
Encourage us through one another.
Strengthen our faith in you.
Meditative Silence
Words of Assurance VU 13 “An Advent Prayer”
We Hear the Word
Hebrew Scripture Reading: I Samuel 2:1-8
This is testimony to the Word of God
Thanks be to God.
Gospel Reading: Luke 1:46-55
This is the Gospel of Christ.
Thanks be to God.
Sung Response: VU 37 “Gloria”
Anthem: “Thou Shalt Know Him When He Comes” Mark Sirett
Sermon: “Mary’s Song”
We Respond
Hymn VU 899 “Song of Mary” MORNING SONG
Offertory “Mary and the Angel” Jeremy Young
Dedication Hymn VU 55 “In the Bleak Midwinter” vs 4 Offertory Prayer
Prayers of the People
Prayer Introit: VU 34 “Come Now, O God of Peace”
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession
The Lord’s Prayer VU 921
Hymn VU 16 “Mary, Woman of the Promise” GRATIA PLENA
Sung Response: VU 38 Chorus, “Angels We Have Heard On High”
Postlude: “Morning Song” arr. David N. Johnson
Minister: Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd
westworthminister@gmail.com 204 489-6974 Ext. 22
Director of Music: Debbie McLeod Cherub Choir Director: Jewel Casselman
Organist: Dorcas Windsor Westworth Winds Director: Ray McClelland
Minister Emerita: Eleanor Geib
Coordinator of Children, Youth & Family Ministries: Maggie Barnett
204 489-6974 Ext. 23 churchschool@westworth.ca
Office Administrator: Heather Lavery office@westworth.ca
Church Phone # 204 489-6974 Ext. 20 www.westworth.ca
Church Accountant: Jenny Jeffers churchaccountant@westworth.ca
Hosts: Jennifer and Norm S.
Ushers: Janet S. and Kirk W.
Scripture Reader: Mac W.
Advent Candle-lighters: Denise J., Brett, William and Sophie L.
SUNDAY SCHOOL This week the children will be Rehearsing the Christmas Pageant.
We extend our sympathy to Pat M. and Heather A. M., Steven A. and family on the passing of Pat’s husband, Arnie and Heather’s father.
ADVENT GIFT ENVELOPES This year’s Advent Gift donations received by Dec. 22nd will support West Broadway Community Ministry.
Thanks to all who have submitted their pledge for 2020. A gentle reminder to those who intend to pledge to please complete your pledge form and return it to Westworth as soon as possible. The annual budget is being developed over the next month and is based on actual pledges made. Your generosity and cooperation is greatly appreciated as we prepare for next year. If you have misplaced your form, there are copies in the Narthex or you can request one be sent to you by email, office@westworth.ca.
Also, a reminder to those who are completing their 2019 pledge to please have it in before the end of December so that it may be recorded and a tax receipt provided. Thanks for your assistance.
VOCAL ASCENT CONCERT – As you may know, we at Westworth enjoy a partnership with Vocal Ascent Community Choir, directed by Debbie McLeod. The net proceeds from their November “Common Ground” concert, totalling $1,827.00, have been submitted to the Westworth office. Included was a thank-you card to Westworth, the text of which follows.
Dear Westworth members,
We are pleased to enclose the proceeds of our November 17 “Common Ground concert. We extend our sincere thanks to all of you for continuing to support a caring partnership with our choir, and we look forward to future shared events and endeavours.
Debbie McLeod, on behalf of Vocal Ascent
GIVE BROADVIEW MAGAZINE! Special Gift Subscription Discount – only $20 (plus tax) makes an inspiring year-round gift for family and friends. Gift orders can be mailed using the postage paid order cards on the shelf in the narthex.
upcoming events
ADVENT BIBLE STUDY Have you ever wondered how our Christmas Pagents and carols came about? What did the Gospel writers want us to know and understand? This is a 5-week Bible study starting Monday Nov. 18 through to Monday Dec. 16 each Monday at 1:00 – 2:30 pm in the Parlour. This is your opportunity to reflect and wrestle with what scripture says bout the birth of Jesus. Heather Robbins, retired Diaconal minister, will be facilitating this study.
MEN’S SPIRITUALITY GROUP MEETING: December 21, 9am in the Upper Classroom: Please join us for discussion of “Conflict Resolution”. Light nourishment @ 9am and discussion @ 9:30am. For further information contact Larry Strachan 204-489-9074 or larkay@shaw.ca.
CE ADVENT SEASON We have lots of very exciting things planned for our Sunday school this Advent. We will be helping with the mitten tree in the narthex. We will also be collecting coffee mugs with a pair of socks in them for our friends at West Broadway.
Dec. 15st – Sunday school and the Cherub choir will be participating at the Lessons & Carols service.
Dec. 24th – Early Christmas Eve Service with the Sunday school pageant!
Please keep in mind the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING has been set for Feb. 23, 2020. Deadline for Annual Reports is Jan. 19.
HOLIDAY OFFICE HOURS & 2019 DONATIONS The office will be closed from Dec. 25-Jan. 1 and will re-open Jan. 2. Any 2019 donations should be received prior to Dec. 31 to be included with your 2019 donations. Thank you.
RETIREMENT TEA FOR REV. JANET WALKER: Sunday, Jan. 12 at 12:30 pm at Churchill Park United Church.
Poinsettia plants are placed in loving memory of
Dean B., Ted M. & Kay M. by Sandra M. and Ian B.
Isabel & Alex G. & Paul G. by their family
Jim & Georgie S. by Norm & Jennifer S. & family
- Annual 10,000 Villages Sale: Thank you so much to all who supported the sale on Sunday December 8. You helped to raise over $1400.00 which has been delivered directly to the 10,000 Villages/ MCC to assist them in their work for peace and justice around the world.
- Rossbrook House Turkeys: Through the work of your Outreach Committee, Westworth will once again provide cooked and sliced turkeys with gravy for Rossbrook House. The turkey may be placed in foil pans suitable for reheating and then frozen. Please cover as tightly as possible. Gravy can be frozen in plastic containers. Rossbrook offers a drop-in program over the Christmas break when they provide the hot turkey sandwiches. This is your opportunity to smell that beautiful roasting turkey and to support your community. If you are able to provide a turkey by Dec 16th 2019 for this cause please sign-up on the sheet in the narthex. A reminder card is also nearby the sign-up sheet.Contact Allan M. at 204-269-5292 or admckay@shaw.ca for questions or concerns.
- It’s Here! Gifts with Vision: Your 2019 edition of the United Church’s “Gifts with Vision” catalogue is ready for pick-up on the shelf in the Narthex. Give the gift that will keep on giving all year long. Make that gift even more meaningful by matching a gift from the catalogue with the interests of family and friends!
- Community Ministry (WBCM) Pantry– Your Outreach Team is grateful to so many of you who, each Sunday, fill the buckets to overflowing with nutritious foods destined for West Broadway. Most needed is protein: tins of meat, chili, stews, fish, beans, and small jars of peanut butter. Also needed are feminine hygiene products and bath towels. Travelling soon? Please remember WBCM by collecting those small containers of soap, shampoo, and conditioner. They are used when guests take a shower at the facility.
- Just a Warm Sleep looking for Overnight Coordinators.Job description on Outreach bulletin board
- Come for a delightful “Evening in Africa” on Dec 27, 5:30 pm at the St. Boniface Cathedral Parish Hall. The evening features dancing by Inyambo and dinner catered by Chef Alex Bockarie (you can find him at chefondemand.club). Mathilde Nyandwi will decorate the hall with authentic African art and fabric, and we’ll have baskets of prizes to raffle off. All proceeds will be used to support new applications for refugee sponsorship to reunite a family from Burundi. Tickets are $30 for adults, $15 for children, and free for children 5 years and under. Contact Debby by phone or text at 204-451-4139 or email FriendsofRefuge@gmail.com
- Blue Christmas / Longest Night Service Monday, Dec.23, at 7:00 p.m. Windsor Park UC, 1062 Autumnwood Drive. Light refreshments to follow.
Minute for Mission
Mission & Service in Changing Times
In these times of change, people are asking, “What’s happening with the Mission & Service of the church?”
Our congregational and our Mission & Service revenues are both declining quite slowly at this point—two to three percent a year—so we have time to make changes, and we have time to do things differently.
The good news is that together we are making important changes, and we are taking the time to do things differently.
We are restructuring the four courts of the church to three so that we live within our means.
We are clarifying funding, so that assessments will be funding governance and shared services, and Mission & Service donations will be funding purely mission and ministry.
We are continuing to keep decisions about the funding of local mission and ministry in local hands, so that regions will be deciding what mission and ministry will be funded in that region, and by that region.
We are focusing on finding and trying out new models of being church by funding innovation in congregations through Mission & Service programs such as Embracing the Spirit, the New Ministries Fund, Edge, and the granting programs of The United Church of Canada Foundation.
These changes will support the capacity for Mission & Service donations to continue to provide core funding to so much great work that’s been going on across Canada and around the world.
If Mission & Service giving is already a regular part of your life, thank you so much! If you have not given, please join me in making Mission & Service giving a regular part of your life of faith. Loving our neighbour is at the heart of our Mission & Service.
Westworth Gift-Giving Opportunities at Advent/Christmas
Gifts with a Vision and 1Just City Gift Catalogues: offer justice-focused gifts for Christmas gift-giving. Catalogues available in the narthex.
Poinsettias: Purchase a poinsettia after church and pick it up on Sat. December 14 at 1:00-2:00pm. Poinsettias may also be left for sanctuary decorations for Dec 15th service. Proceeds of poinsettia purchases will support 2020 Vacation Bible School’s Leaders in Training honoraria.
Advent sale of 10,000 Villages products: On Dec. 8 after church, fair trade goods from the Mennonite Central Committee’s 10,000 Villages stores will be available for purchase. This display/sale is not a fundraiser for Westworth. It is intended as a means of raising awareness of Fair Trade principles and products and of supporting Westworth’s commitment to social justice.
The Mitten Tree: Christian Education is collecting Men’s Mittens for West Broadway Community Ministry.
Socks in a Mug: Our Sunday School is collecting winter socks in a new mug to be given to West Broadway clients. All collections will be needed by Dec. 15th. Thank you for helping our children help others!
Rossbrook House Turkey: Westworth will once again provide cooked and sliced turkeys with gravy for Rossbrook House. The turkey may be placed in foil pans suitable for reheating. Gravy can be frozen in plastic containers. Rossbrook offers a drop-in program over the Christmas break when they provide the hot turkey sandwiches. If you are able to provide a turkey by Dec 16th for this cause please contact Allan McKay at 204-269-5292; admckay@shaw.ca or the church office. A sign-up sheet is in the narthex.
Advent Gift Envelopes: This year’s Advent Gift donations, received by Dec. 22ndh, will support West Broadway Community Ministry.
Advent and Christmas Worship Services
Lessons & Carols
December 15th 2:30 p.m.
Led by the Senior & Cherub Choirs and Westworth Winds
Offering proceeds will be divided between the Westworth Choral Scholar Program and Westworth general funds
December 24
6:30 p.m.
Intergenerational Service with Children’s Pageant
with Senior & Cherub Choirs
9:00 p.m.
Carols, Candles and Communion
with Senior Choir
Worship Around The Breakfast Tables
December 29, 2019 in the Gym
10:30 a.m. 11 a.m.
Breakfast Worship
Sharing our favourite carols
Please sign up in the narthex for breakfast contributions