Westworth United Church
1750 Grosvenor Avenue, Winnipeg
Christmas 1: December 29, 2019
Worship around the Breakfast Tables
Welcome and Announcements
Candle-lighting and Prelude
A Christmas Prayer VU 53
Hymn VU 76 “See amid the Winter’s Snow”
The Story of the Twelve Days of Christmas
Carol: “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
Christmas Carolling
Hymn VU 74 “What Child is This?”
Dedication Hymn VU 55 “In the Bleak Midwinter” (full hymn)
Offertory Prayer
Prayers of the People
Prayer Introit VU 64, vs 4 “O Little Town of Bethlehem”
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession
The Lord’s Prayer VU 921
Hymn VU 45 “Joy Is Now in Every Place” RESONET IN LAUDIBUS
Hymn VU 884 “You Shall Go Out with Joy” TREES OF THE FIELD
Postlude: Joy to the World” John Carter
Minister: Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd
westworthminister@gmail.com 204 489-6974 Ext. 22
Director of Music: Debbie McLeod Cherub Choir Director: Jewel Casselman
Organist: Dorcas Windsor Westworth Winds Director: Ray McClelland
Minister Emerita: Eleanor Geib
Coordinator of Children, Youth & Family Ministries: Maggie Barnett
204 489-6974 Ext. 23 churchschool@westworth.ca
Office Administrator: Heather Lavery office@westworth.ca
Church Phone # 204 489-6974 Ext. 20 www.westworth.ca
Church Accountant: Jenny Jeffers churchaccountant@westworth.ca
Hosts: Dorothy and Garry R.
Ushers: Elaine B. and Janet S.
Scripture Reader: Kathy W.
ADVENT GIFT ENVELOPES This year’s Advent Gift donations received by Dec. 22nd will support West Broadway Community Ministry.
On today’s SPARE CHANGE SUNDAY, you are invited to place your spare change in the offering plates on your way out. This offers us an alternative response to those on the streets asking for spare change. The money will go towards West Broadway Community Ministry, which offers meals, services and support for those living in poverty.
EMERGENCY PASTORAL CARE: While Loraine is on leave Jan. 2 -9, please call Rev. Earl Gould 204 888-1543 for any pastoral emergency.
DONATION ENVELOPES Please pick up your donation envelopes on the coffee ledge in the narthex. If you would like envelopes please contact the office.
Thanks to all who have submitted their pledge for 2020. A gentle reminder to those who intend to pledge to please complete your pledge form and return it to Westworth as soon as possible. The annual budget is being developed over the next month and is based on actual pledges made. Your generosity and cooperation is greatly appreciated as we prepare for next year. If you have misplaced your form, there are copies in the Narthex or you can request one be sent to you by email, office@westworth.ca.
Also, a reminder to those who are completing their 2019 pledge to please have it in before the end of December so that it may be recorded and a tax receipt provided. Thanks for your assistance.
VOCAL ASCENT CONCERT – As you may know, we at Westworth enjoy a partnership with Vocal Ascent Community Choir, directed by Debbie McLeod. The net proceeds from their November “Common Ground” concert, totalling $1,827.00, have been submitted to the Westworth office. Included was a thank-you card to Westworth, the text of which follows.
Dear Westworth members,
We are pleased to enclose the proceeds of our November 17 “Common Ground concert. We extend our sincere thanks to all of you for continuing to support a caring partnership with our choir, and we look forward to future shared events and endeavours.
Debbie McLeod, on behalf of Vocal Ascent
GIVE BROADVIEW MAGAZINE! Special Gift Subscription Discount – only $20 (plus tax) makes an inspiring year-round gift for family and friends. Gift orders can be mailed using the postage paid order cards on the shelf in the narthex.
upcoming events
Please keep in mind the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING has been set for Feb. 23, 2020. Deadline for Annual Reports is Jan. 19.
CHRISTMAS OFFICE HOURS & 2019 DONATIONS The office will be closed from Dec. 25-Jan. 1 and will re-open Jan. 2. Any 2019 donations should be received prior to Dec. 31 to be included with your 2019 donations. Thank you.
RETIREMENT TEA FOR REV. JANET WALKER: Sunday, Jan. 12 at 12:30 pm at Churchill Park United Church. Please rsvp smilembarsy@gmail.com by Wednesday, January 8, 2020. You are also invited to the worship service, beginning at 10:30 am, which will celebrate Janet’s ministry.
FAITH EXPLORATION GROUP Monday evenings in January and February Loraine will be leading a group on the basics of the Christian Faith and the United Church. For any adults who are interested in becoming members, being baptized or confirmed. Beginning Jan. 13 7:30pm-9:00pm. Please contact Loraine if interested. westworthminister@gmail.com
“A LEARNING AND SHARING OPPORTUNITY FOR PERSONS WITH DEMENTIA AND PARTNERS IN CARE.” A five session opportunity to investigate the research in dementia and share personal stories with others. The goal of the sessions is to open up opportunities of strength and self preservation for the care giver. This sessions will allow participants to explore the possibilities and understand the need for an individual diagnosed with dementia to be part of decision making in their care. This program will give the care giver, family and the person diagnosed with this debilitating disease, the tools to maintain personhood and a loving relationship with family thru this very difficult journey. . It would be most beneficial to you and to the group if you could attend all five sessions.
Please join us Thursday afternoon 1:30pm -3:30 pm January 23-Feb 20, 2020.
Upcoming Westworth Events in 2020
Mondays Jan 13-Feb. 10 7:30-9:00pm Faith Exploration
Thursdays, Jan. 23-Feb. 20 1:30-3:30pm Dementia and Partners
in Care Workshop
Saturday, Feb. 29 6:00 p.m. Samedi Swing Big
Band Dance Music
Sunday, Feb. 2 7:30 p.m. Taizé Epiphany Service
Wednesday, Feb. 26, 7:30 p.m. Taizé Ash Wednesday
Sunday, April 5 7:30 pm Taizé Holy Week Service
Sunday, April 12 10:45 a.m. Easter Sunday Service
Sundays, Apr 19-May 10 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. Interfaith Dialogue,
different venues
Friday, Apr. 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Rummage Sale
Saturday, Apr. 25 9:00 a.m.-noon Rummage Sale continues
Sunday, June 7 7:30 pm Taizé Pentecost Service
- Rossbrook House Turkeys: On Tuesday, December 17, Allan McKay and Dan Wiwchar delivered 18 turkeys, cut, wrapped and ready to serve, to Rossbrook House. The children and youth who find a welcoming, safe space at Rossbrook during the Christmas Season, will enjoy hot turkey sandwiches, thanks to your generosity. Thank you to all who provided this welcome gift during this season of giving!
- There is still time! Your 2019 edition of the United Church’s “Gifts with Vision” catalogue is available on the shelf in the Narthex. Give the gift that will keep on giving all year long. Make that gift even more meaningful by matching a gift from the catalogue with the interests of family and friends!
- Community Ministry (WBCM) Pantry– Your Outreach Team is grateful to so many of you who, each Sunday, fill the buckets to overflowing with nutritious foods destined for West Broadway. Most needed is protein: tins of meat, chili, stews, fish, beans, and small jars of peanut butter. Also needed are feminine hygiene products and bath towels. Travelling soon? Please remember WBCM by collecting those small containers of soap, shampoo, and conditioner. They are used when guests take a shower at the facility.
Minute for Mission
People in Partnership
Our gifts for Mission & Service offer people of The United Church of Canada an opportunity to visit our global partners through the People in Partnership program. An opportunity to “come and see” our Mission & Service global partners can deepen our understanding of what it means to be in partnership.
The People in Partnership program goes deeper, combining the experience of what we are called to be as a United Church and how we are to live out the greatest commandment of loving one another and loving our neighbours through a program of conversation and integration. Those who have gone on one of the “come and see” experiences have come back changed. The experiences offer a way to see the world with new eyes and a transformed heart.
The result is a life-changing view of the world and Mission & Service as the heart and soul of The United Church of Canada. Opportunities for short-term and longer-term experiences are available. To learn more, visit People in Partnership on The United Church of Canada website, www.united-church.ca.
If Mission & Service giving is already a regular part of your life, thank you so much! If you have not given, please join me in making Mission & Service giving a regular part of your life of faith. Loving our neighbour is at the heart of our Mission & Service.