Anyone who is wanting to make Westworth United Church their church home, and who seeks to follow the example of Jesus, can join the Community of Faith as either a full member or an adherent.
If you have any questions, please email or or call us at (204) 489-6974.
Full Membership:
Members are people who:
- have been baptized;
- have been confirmed or made a profession of faith; and,
- have chosen Westworth as their church home.
Baptism is a symbolic action that signifies the new life God gives us as we join the church community. Baptism can happen in infancy or later on in life. If you were baptized in the United Church or any mainline Protestant or Catholic church, you do not need to be baptized again in order to become a member at Westworth. If you have not been baptized, the sacrament of baptism will take place during a regular Sunday worship service.
Confirmation is for folk who have been baptized, with the main goal of offering learning about the Christian faith and the United Church of Canada. The process culminates with a public re-affirmation of baptismal vows and a public profession of faith. Confirmation typically happens in the early to late teen years but baptized adults who are interested may also participate. If you are not already baptized, confirmation will happen immediately following baptism during a regular Sunday worship service.
If you were baptized and confirmed in another congregation, you are able to transfer your membership to Westworth by obtaining a membership certificate from your previous congregation and submitting it to the office OR if you do not have that certificate, you can make a public re-affirmation of faith. If you have questions about either process, please contact or
Full members have the ability to vote on all matters of church life and ministry, particularly for major decisions, such as hiring a minister.
Adherents are people who regularly attend worship and participate in the life and work of Westworth but who are not quite ready to make the commitment of church membership. Adherents participate in all aspects of the life of the Community of Faith (including committees) but may not vote at meetings on matters related to ministry personnel or other major decisions. If you have been attending Westworth and would like to be recognized as an adherent, please contact the church office.