Good Friday Bulletin
Joint Good Friday Service St. Andrew’s River Heights and Westworth United Churches Westworth United Church 1750 Grosvenor Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba on Treaty One Territory in the heart of the Métis Nation March 30, 2018 We Gather to Worship Welcome and …Read more
Maundy Thursday Bulletin
Maundy Thursday Service March 29, 2018 6:00-7:15 pm Gathering around Tables Prayer of Approach In the stillness of the evening, we enter your presence. We are grateful, Creator, for this holy place. In the quieting dark, we give thanks for one another. We are grateful, Holy Spirit, for your love that weaves us …Read more
Apr. 16 Bulletin – Easter Sunday
Westworth United Church 1750 Grosvenor Avenue, Winnipeg April 16, 2017 Easter Sunday We Gather to Worship Pre-Service Music: “Lord of the Dance” arr. Andrew Balent “Thine is the Glory” G. F. Handel “Crown Him with Many Crowns” Sir George Elvey Welcome and Announcements Candle-lighting & Prelude: “Christ is Arisen” Hermann Grabner Introit: …Read more
Lessons and Carols
Lessons and Carols December 14, 2014 6:45pm Service will proceed unannounced Preludes: Go Tell it on the Mountain arr. Leland Forsblad Christmas Carol Medley arr. Sammy Nestico What Child is This? arr. John Ford (Westworth Winds) Welcome and Announcements Prelude: “Gabriel’s Message” arr. Kevin J. Sadowski Call to …Read more