
Sermon October 27, 2024 by Tricia Gerhard

Introduction to Nightmare before Christmas The Nightmare before Christmas is a Halloween movie that’s a little spooky and a little heartwarming and a lot of fun… and like a lot of films out there, it gives us a chance to reflect on the deeper truths in life and faith.  The main character is Jack Skellington …Read more

Sermon October 20, 2024 by Tricia Gerhard

Sermon John 6:1-15 “Leftovers”……… ……Sunday October 20, 2024 I was standing in a very long line at Costco the other day and I overheard a few people discussing what they were planning on doing with their Thanksgiving left overs.  There was talk about turkey potpie, turkey soup, some kind of turkey mashed potato stuffing casserole …Read more

Sermon Thanksgiving Sunday by Earl Gould

Text: Psalm 126 VU #850 Worship lead by the Rev. Earl M. Gould The opening hymn has set the tone for our worship – “Come, You Thankful People, Come” In this sermon I may not share anything about thanksgiving you don’t already know. But I am here to lead us in public worship, to help …Read more

Sermon September 22, 2024 by Tricia Gerhard

What a wild month September can be! Whether or not you have school aged children or teachers in your household, there’s a shift in energy when school starts up.  The stores and streets are busier, activities and sports and church events start up again, and in the midst of the busy chaos it also feels …Read more

Sermon September 8, 2024 Tricia Gerhard

I am hoping, that following our Children’s Time this morning you will have caught on that today marks the beginning of the Season of Creation.  A six week relatively new liturgical time of the Church year (although we are only doing half the Sundays this year).  It was added about 20 years ago to the …Read more

Sermon July 21, 2024

Our sermon this morning is a monologue done from Bathsheba’s point of view, as adapted from the book: “Lady Parts: Biblical Women and the Vagina Monologues” Hi! I am glad you came; most people wouldn’t. You would think that for one of the juiciest stories around that people would come from miles around to hear …Read more

Sermon July 14, 2024 by Tricia Gerhard

I am leaning on Anna Carter Florence again this morning to fill out the story of Rahab and to offer some insight into why she is important enough that the gospel writer includes her in Jesus genealogy.   We started this series by mentioning that the Gospel of Matthew works hard to prove that Jesus was …Read more

Sermon July 7, 2024

Every three years, our Advent lectionary readings focus on the story as it’s told by the author of Matthew.  Now, I am fully aware that we are smack dab in the middle of summer, but bear with me for a minute.  The Gospel of Matthew begins in a way no other of the gospels do… …Read more

Sermon June 30, 2024 by Tricia Gerhard

The United Church has a new(ish) vision and purpose statement. They are key elements of a strategic plan designed to shape the next three years.  The Vision reads: Called by God, as disciples of Jesus, the United Church of Canada seeks to be a bold, connected, evolved church of diverse, courageous, hope-filled communities united in …Read more

Sermon June 23, 2024 by Tricia Gerhard

Let us dare to linger here for just a moment, as we recall the moment in time when we remember Creator saying to us, “I have called you by my name; you are mine.” The light in you is the same as the light in me. In all Indigenous teachings, it is taught that we …Read more