
Baptism is one of two sacraments in the United Church of Canada. Through Baptism, we are blessed with the gifts of God’s grace and love and welcomed into God’s family of faith. Baptism is also a rite of initiation into the universal Church, of which there are many denominations throughout the world. As a member of the World Council of Churches, the United Church of Canada recognizes all baptisms that have taken place in other Christian denominations. The United Church offers both infant and youth/adult baptism.

Infant Baptism

Infant baptism is requested by the parents/caregivers on behalf of the infant. In this case, the parents/caregivers and godparents (optional) make commitments to raise and support the infant in the Christian faith. Westworth United Church members make the commitment to offer support and encouragement as the infant grows in faith.

Please contact the minister to make a baptismal request.  The minister will arrange to meet with you to discuss the process and the commitments that will be made. The Baptism will be held during a regular worship service. Private baptisms are not available unless it is an urgent situation.

Youth/Adult Baptism

Those old enough to make their own profession of faith and commitments can request to be baptised.  Typically, attending confirmation classes to learn about the Christian faith and the United Church of Canada are required.  This opportunity for learning helps to develop a deeper connection to the church and to the faith to which the confirmands are committing.   Upon their profession of faith, they will be baptised and become members of both the universal Church and Westworth United Church.

If confirmation classes are not offered at the time a person is seeking baptism, arrangements can be made with the minister.  Please contact the church to talk to the minister.