Funerals/Memorials/Celebrations of Life

Westworth United Church is open to all who seek support in dealing with the death of a loved one. We know the pain that death can bring.  Through the hope that our faith has in the presence of God and in the love of Jesus, we confront the reality of death by offering support and care to those who are grieving and by giving thanks for the life of the deceased. Services are meant to reflect the person who has died, to offer words of hope and comfort to those gathered, and to give closure to those who are hurting.

If you would like to book a service at Westworth United, please contact the church office.

Here is some basic information about services at Westworth (please see the brochure for more information):

  • Once the service is booked, the minister will meet with you to aid in the planning and arranging of the details for the service. This includes choosing hymns and scripture, participation of others, and the flow of the service.
  • The sanctuary has both piano and organ, and our church musicians are deeply knowledgeable and talented
  • If a casket is present, it can remain open until the start of the service and will remain closed for the duration of the service. If cremation has taken place, we encourage you to have the ashes present for the service, along with a photo of the person and any meaningful mementos.  The minister will work with you on this aspect of the service.
  • Livestreaming, PowerPoint, and the playing of recorded music is available.

Personnel Fees

Church organist: $160
(additional rehearsal – if needed for soloist etc.): $50
Church soloist (optional): $100
Custodian: $100
Tech support (if needed): $80
Administrative: $100
Minister: $250

Reception Fees:

If you choose to have a reception following the service, you can use one of two spaces:  the gym or the parlour.

  • Parlour (up to 30 guests): $100
  • Gym (up to 150 guests): $150
  • Gym (over 150 guests): $200

The church does not provide catering for receptions. You will need to arrange for food and its delivery. Our hospitality service includes set-up up, and tea, coffee, juice and water can be made available.

Discretionary donation:

The use of the sanctuary ($275) or the parlour ($100) is contributed as part of our ministry.  Any donation toward the usage is appreciated.