Dec. 24 late Bulletin
Westworth United Church 1750 Grosvenor Avenue, Winnipeg on Treaty One Territory in the heart of the Métis Nation December 24, 2019—Christmas Eve, 9:00 pm We Gather to Worship Welcome & Announcements Prelude: “Noël Huron” Denis Bédard Christ Candle Litany Hymn 60 “O Come, All Ye Faithful” ADESTE FIDELES The …Read more
Dec. 24 Early Bulletin
Westworth United Church 1750 Grosvenor Avenue, Winnipeg on Treaty One Territory in the heart of the Métis Nation December 24, 2019 Christmas Eve Intergenerational Service, 6:30 p.m. Gathering Prelude: “Sussex Carol” Noel Rawsthorne Welcome and Announcements Cherub Anthem: “Shepherd Boy” Charlotte Algozin Emily Casselman, recorder Opening Prayer VU 63 …Read more
Dec. 29 Bulletin
Westworth United Church 1750 Grosvenor Avenue, Winnipeg Christmas 1: December 29, 2019 Worship around the Breakfast Tables Welcome and Announcements Candle-lighting and Prelude A Christmas Prayer VU 53 Hymn VU 76 “See amid the Winter’s Snow” The Story of the Twelve Days of Christmas Carol: “The Twelve Days of Christmas” Christmas Carolling Hymn …Read more
Lessons & Carols Dec. 15, 2019
Westworth United Church Lessons and Carols December 15, 2019 2:30pm Our service will proceed unannounced, as indicated in the bulletin. Please stand for the congregational hymns if you are able. Gathering Music: Westworth Winds “What Child Is This?” arr. Alfred Reed Welcome and Announcements Prelude: …Read more
Dec. 15 Bulletin
Westworth United Church 1750 Grosvenor Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba on Treaty One Territory in the heart of the Métis Nation Third Sunday of Advent December 15, 2019 We Gather to Worship Welcome and Announcements” Candle-Lighting & Prelude: “Mary, Woman of the Promise” …Read more
Dec. 8 Bulletin
Westworth United Church 1750 Grosvenor Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba on Treaty One Territory in the heart of the Métis Nation Second Sunday of Advent December 8, 2019 We Gather to Worship Welcome and Announcements Candle-Lighting & Prelude: “Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending” …Read more
Easter Sunday April 21st bulletin
Westworth United Church 1750 Grosvenor Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba on Treaty One Territory in the heart of the Métis Nation Easter Sunday: April 21, 2019 We Gather to Worship Brass Quintet “Thine is the Glory” G.F. Handel “My Spirit be Joyful” J.S. Bach “Canzona #1” P. Peuerl “Greensleeves” …Read more
Christmas Eve 9:00pm Bulletin
Westworth United Church 1750 Grosvenor Avenue, Winnipeg December 24, 2018—Christmas Eve, 9:00 pm We Gather to Worship Welcome & Announcements Prelude: “What Child is This?” Noel Rawsthorne Christ Candle Litany Introit: “Carol of the Bells” Music: Leontovych, lyrics Wilhousky A Christmas Prayer VU 66 (unison) Hymn VU 36 “Angels, from the …Read more
Christmas Eve 7:00pm Bulletin
Westworth United Church 1750 Grosvenor Avenue, Winnipeg on Treaty One Territory in the heart of the Métis Nation December 24, 2018 Christmas Eve Intergenerational Service, 7:00 p.m. We Gather to Worship Welcome and Announcements Candle Lighting & Prelude: “Sussex Carol” …Read more
Lessons and Carols
Westworth United Church Lessons and Carols December 16, 2018 7:00 pm Our service will proceed unannounced, as indicated in the bulletin. * Please stand for the congregational hymns if you are able. Gathering Music: “Twelve Christmas Hymns and Carols.” WestworthWinds arr. Patrick Rivers Welcome and Announcements Prelude: “Joy to the …Read more