Archives: November 2015 - Westworth United Church

Advent Taize Service

Westworth will offer a Taize Service for Advent on Wednesday, December 2, 2015  from 7:30-8:30 in the parlour. Refresh your spirit through an Advent-themed quiet, candlelit service of prayers, multi-lingual scripture readings, silent meditation and chants with cantor, piano and flute. There will also be opportunity for lighting prayer candles and anointing.

Messy Church

Westworth’s next Messy Church is on Sunday, November 22 at 4:30 pm  The theme will be  “Love your neighbour”, and the inter-generational activity will be a dramatization of the Good Samaritan story. (First aid to be incorporated!) There will be adult cafe, & play time for the children. Please indicate the numbers for supper on …Read more