Joint Good Friday Service
St. Andrew’s River Heights and
Westworth United Churches
Westworth United Church
1750 Grosvenor Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba
on Treaty One Territory in the heart of the Métis Nation
March 30, 2018
We Gather to Worship
Welcome and Announcements
Christ Candle Lighting and Prelude:
“Passion Chorale” Max Reger
Call to Worship
We approach the cross and find sacrificial love.
Christ Jesus, enwrap us in your grace.
We come before a God of infinite mercy and compassion
Gracious God, hold us in your forgiveness.
We enter the Holy Mystery of self-emptying fullness.
Holy Spirit, strengthen us in our weakness.
Introit: “A Medieval Prayer for Good Friday” R. Marvin Johnson
Opening Prayer
Hymn VU 145 “O Sacred Head” PASSION CHORALE
We Hear the Word
Condemnation: John 19:1-7
Response: VU 148 “Jesus, Remember Me” (3X) Jacques Berthier
Acquiescence: John 19:8-16
Response: VU 148 “Jesus, Remember Me” Jacques Berthier
Crucifixion: John 19:17-24
Anthem: “Ave Verum” Edward Elgar
Accompaniment: John 19:25b-27
Response: VU 148 “Jesus, Remember Me” Jacques Berthier
Death: John 19:28-30
Anthem: “He Was Despised” Karl H. Graun
Burial and Anointing: John 19:38-42
We Respond
Hymn VU 144 “Were You There?” vs. 1,3,5 WERE YOU THERE
Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer VU 921
Offertory: “Were You There?” Charles Callahan
Dedication Hymn VU 544 “In Gratitude and Humble Trust”
Offertory Prayer
(Offering envelopes will be given to their respective churches and
undesignated money will be given to 1JustCity)
Hymn VU 149 “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” COMMUNION
Commissioning and Benediction
Extinguishing of Christ Candle
(Please leave quietly while others stay to meditate. In the narthex, you may request of Karen or Loraine an anointing—with unscented olive oil—as a reminder of your baptism that witnesses to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.)
Tableau Players: Iris McKay, Bernard Boland, Joan Wilton
Scripture Readers: Tom Dunn and Earl Gould
Ushers: Kirk Windsor and Diether Peschken
Choir Directors: Derek Morphy and Debbie McLeod
Organists: Wes Elias and Dorcas Windsor
Ministers: Karen Lumley and Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd
St. Andrews River Heights United Church Easter Service 10:30am.
Westworth United Church Easter Service 11:00am, with pre-service music beginning at 10:40am with the Falconer Brass Quintet.