Maundy Thursday Service
March 29, 2018
6:00-7:15 pm
Gathering around Tables
Prayer of Approach
In the stillness of the evening, we enter your presence.
We are grateful, Creator, for this holy place.
In the quieting dark, we give thanks for one another.
We are grateful, Holy Spirit, for your love that weaves us together.
In the growing shadows we gather to remember.
We are grateful, Christ Jesus, for the last supper you celebrated with the disciples.
Hymn VU 143 “My Song Is Love Unknown” LOVE UNKNOWN
Prayer of Confession with response VU 947 “Lord have Mercy”
When our love is eclipsed by fear,
Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy, Lord, have mercy.
When we protect ourselves from further pain
and close our hearts to others,
Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy, Lord, have mercy.
When our words and actions have hurt others,
Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy, Lord, have mercy.
When we have failed to respond with justice and kindness,
Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy, Lord, have mercy.
Words of Assurance
Washing of Hands
Gospel Reading: John 13:2b-9, 12-16, 34-35
This is the Gospel of Christ.
Thanks be to God.
Sharing a Holy Meal of Communion
Sharing meal
Sharing bread & cup:
“The bread of life.
“The cup of the new covenant.”
(the matzah is gluten-free)
Prayer after Communion
God our Saviour,
power of loving service in the world,
we thank you for Jesus,
who on the night he was betrayed,
gave himself to his friends
in humble service, and in bread and wine.
May we do the same for the whole world,
as we follow his example. Amen.
Hymn VU 458 “Christ, Let Us Come with You” WROSLYN ROAD
Scripture Reader: Heather Robbins
Pianist: Dorcas Windsor
Minister: Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd
Holy Week
Our Good Friday Service on March 30 will be a joint service with St. Andrew’s River Heights United Church. The service will begin at Westworth at 11:00 am.
Easter Sunday Service, with Communion, on April 1 will begin at 11:00 am, with pre-service music beginning at 10:40am with the Falconer Brass Quintet.