Jan. 5 Bulletin

Westworth United Church

1750 Grosvenor Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba

on Treaty One Territory in the heart of the Métis Nation


Epiphany Sunday

Jan. 5, 2020


We Gather to Worship


Welcome and Announcements

Candle-Lighting & Prelude:        “O Morning Star”       Charles Callahan

Opening Prayer

Hymn VU 81         “As with Gladness Men of Old”                           DIX


The Peace of Christ

One: May the peace of Christ be with you.

All: And also with you.

(Please extend to others a blessing of peace with words such as,  “Peace be with you,” or “Peace,” with the response, “And also with you.” Following the Passing of the Peace, the children may go to Sunday School.)


Prayer of Confession

Light has come into the world

but we love the night.

Love has come into the world

but we continue to hate.

Grace has come into the world

but we cannot forgive.

Hope has come into the world

but we are surrounded by despair.

New life has come into the world

but we are tired.

Peace has come into the world

but conflict continues.

Joy has come into the world

but we are sad. (silence)

Judge us, O God, by your gracious love.

Forgive us, O God, and set us free.  Amen.


Meditative Silence

Words of Assurance


We Hear the Word


Hebrew Scripture:  Isaiah 60: 1-6

This is testimony to the Word of God

Thanks be to God.


Gospel Reading: Matthew 2: 1-12

This is the Gospel of Christ.

      Thanks be to God.

      Sung Response:  VU 895 “Gloria”



Sermon                 “A Trip Through the Nativity Stories”


We Respond

Hymn VU 92         “In the Darkness Shines the Splendour”          IRBY



Offertory:                          “Sussex Carol”                   arr. John Carter

Dedication Hymn VU 81, vs 3 “As With Gladness”

Offertory Prayer


The Sacrament of Holy Communion:  Epiphany

(see insert, please leave for future use)

Hymn VU 93 “When Heaven’s Bright with Mystery”        SUSSEX CAROL


Sung Response: VU 87, refrain “I am the Light of the World”

Postlude:   “The Star Proclaims the King is Here”      Johann Pachelbel


Thanks to Rev. Earl Gould and Rev. Mac Watts  for leading worship today.


Minister:  Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd

westworthminister@gmail.com                                             204 489-6974 Ext. 22

Director of Music: Debbie McLeod Cherub Choir Director: Jewel Casselman

Organist:  Dorcas Windsor         Westworth Winds Director:  Ray McClelland

Minister Emerita:  Eleanor Geib

Coordinator of Children, Youth & Family Ministries:               Maggie Barnett

204 489-6974 Ext. 23                                                 churchschool@westworth.ca

Office Administrator:  Heather Lavery                               office@westworth.ca

Church Phone # 204 489-6974 Ext. 20                                    www.westworth.ca

Church Accountant:  Jenny Jeffers              churchaccountant@westworth.ca


Hosts:  Anne & Keith L.

Usher:  Kirk W.

Scripture Reader:  George N.

Communion Servers:  Arlene H., Keith and Anne L., Alan and Kathy W., Gerald D., Cheryl M. D., Bettina N.


SUNDAY SCHOOL The children will be learning about Jacob’s Dream (Genesis 28:10-22)


upcoming events

EMERGENCY PASTORAL CARE:  While Loraine is on leave Jan. 2 -9, please call Rev. Earl Gould 204 888-1543 for any pastoral emergency.

JOIN US FOR BRIDGE Jan. 9 at 1:00pm (every 2nd Thursday of the month) here at Westworth. All levels welcome!

Please keep in mind the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING has been set for Feb. 23, 2020. Deadline for Annual Reports is Jan. 19.

RETIREMENT TEA FOR REV. JANET WALKER: Sunday, Jan. 12 at 12:30 pm at Churchill Park United Church. Please rsvp smilembarsy@gmail.com by Wednesday, January 8, 2020. You are also invited to the worship service, beginning at 10:30 am, which will celebrate Janet’s ministry.

FAITH EXPLORATION GROUP   Monday evenings in January and February Loraine will be leading a group on the basics of the Christian Faith and the United Church. For any adults who are interested in becoming members, being baptized or confirmed. Beginning Jan. 13 7:30pm-9:00pm. Please contact Loraine if interested. westworthminister@gmail.com

CITY-WIDE WORSHIP SERVICE Sunday, Jan. 19 7:30pm Epiphany Lutheran Church 200 Dalhousie Dr. Also Invitation to participate in Ecumenical Choir, Rehearsals held at Epiphany Lutheran from 4:00-6:00pm on Sunday, Jan. 5 & 12. Contact Michele Barr at 204 453-5016 or mbarr41@shaw.ca for info.

A LEARNING AND SHARING OPPORTUNITY FOR PERSONS WITH DEMENTIA AND PARTNERS IN CARE.” A five session opportunity to investigate the research in dementia and share personal stories with others. The goal of the sessions is to open up opportunities of strength and self preservation for the care giver. This sessions will allow participants to explore the possibilities and understand the need for an individual diagnosed with dementia to be part of decision making in their care. This program will give the care giver, family and the person diagnosed with this debilitating disease, the tools to maintain personhood and a loving relationship with family thru this very difficult journey. . It would be most beneficial to you and to the group if you could attend all five sessions.

Please join us Thursday afternoon 1:30pm -3:30 pm January 23-Feb 20, 2020.


2020 Lenten Challenge

Westworth is trying something new this year. We are giving up meetings for Lent in order to make a bit more space for us to indulge in spiritual reflection. We hope that everyone will consider spending 15 minutes/day reflecting on a biblical passage as it relates to our personal lives. We will be providing workbooks that will take us through the Gospel of Matthew. Each day will offer a biblical passage, some background to it, a question for us to reflect upon, and a prayer.

We are also offering small groups for people to join and meet once a week for 5 weeks during the month of March. These small groups will help people get to know each other as they share reflections with one another. Thirteen people have been trained as facilitators so that we can offer a variety of times and days for different small groups to meet. We hope that everyone can find a time that works for them. Please sign up in the narthex.

We plan to have one small group at the Wellington and another at the Parkway. Three people from St. Andrew’s River Heights also came to our facilitator training as they also plan to participate in this Lenten Challenge.

The workbooks have been developed by our Moderator, Rev. Richard Bott, and Rev. Dave Anderson, minister of one of the thriving United Churches Loraine visited on her sabbatical. They have generously given us free use of their material. If people can contribute to the actual cost of printing and binding ($10), that would be appreciated, but not necessary. Workbooks will be available for pick-up after church beginning January 19.

We hope that as many congregants as possible will take up the Lenten Challenge!


Save the Date… CONGREGATIONAL LUNCHEON Jan. 26 after worship with piano and cello.



  1. Community Ministry (WBCM) Pantry– Your Outreach Team is grateful to so many of you who, each Sunday, fill the buckets to overflowing with nutritious foods destined for West Broadway. Most needed is protein: tins of meat, chili, stews, fish, beans, and small jars of peanut butter. Also needed are feminine hygiene products and bath towels. Travelling soon? Please remember WBCM by collecting those small containers of soap, shampoo, and conditioner. They are used when guests take a shower at the facility.


Minute for Mission

Healthy Babies in Gaza

The clinic, marked by a small sign, is located on a small side street in Gaza. The exterior is pockmarked by bullets and mortar fire. Five years ago, Israeli and Palestinian forces fought in this street. Today, mothers and older siblings hold babies and small children, some squirming, some sleeping, while waiting for medical care.

The Shija-ai Clinic is one of three clinics operated by the Near East Council of Churches. It is also one of the few places that still functions in Gaza as medical resources become scarce. It monitors the weekly, monthly, and yearly development of 22,000 children. Even before they are born, their mothers come to the clinic for prenatal care. The staff say that about 38 percent of the children have serious anemia and need the iron supplements that are available only at the clinic. Doctors and nurses carefully chart each child’s weight and growth, and physiotherapists  play gentle games with the children to see how they are developing physically and psychologically. The staff and mothers work together on treatments and programs to keep the children healthy despite their dire surroundings.

Gaza’s 1.8 million people are locked in on all sides by Israel and Egypt. Unemployment is over 50 percent, nutritious food is expensive, and at any moment, air strikes can happen. Trauma is a daily experience for these children and the staff who treat them. Nevertheless, the doctors and nurses continue to heal and support the children in their care.

Thank you for your gifts to Mission & Service, which help fund this clinic through our Mission & Service partner, the Middle East Council of Churches’ Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees.

If Mission & Service giving is already a regular part of your life, thank you so much! If you have not given, please join me in making Mission & Service giving a regular part of your life of faith. Loving our neighbour is at the heart of our Mission & Service.