Congregational Email
Oct. 1, 2020
Dear Congregants,
What a difference a week makes! Because of COVID-19 numbers that continue to rise and the Orange Alert for Winnipeg, Council and the Safe Reopening Committee decided to take the utmost precaution, move back to online worship services and begin online Sunday School for this coming Sunday. We are disappointed in having once again to close our building to in-person worship and Sunday School, but believe that this is the most responsible decision for the welfare of our largely vulnerable congregants. Most of our congregants are following the online services (over 100 each Sunday), while the number of in-person registrants is decreasing. Young families have not yet attended. These numbers seem to support our decision.
We are trying to find new opportunities in these restrictions. For the next few Sunday worship services, I will be including recorded Zoom interviews with children who would like to talk about angels they have coloured and named. They have very important messages for the rest of us. If you have children and have not received your angel outlines by email, please check your spam folder. If they’re not there, please email Maggie so that she can forward them to you or drop them off. So far, we have received angels from three families—interviews are not necessary if you would like to simply send them to the church via Canada Post or scanned into emails.
This coming Sunday, we will once again be celebrating virtual communion. Please have juice and crackers or bread ready. Our live worship service begins at 10:45 am. The recorded service will be posted by Sunday evening. If your children would like to attend Zoom Sunday School at 10:15 am, beginning this Sunday, please email Maggie so that she can send you a Zoom invitation. We hope that the children will then be able to stay for the first 5 minutes of the worship service, when we will have a brief children’s time and will see the angels our children have created.
In compliance with the Orange Alert guidelines, we will still be available for groups of under 10 to make use of the building, and for individual visits. Both must be arranged beforehand with our Office Administrator, who will review the procedure for pre registration with you.
I am also excited to announce that Westworth is hosting a Monday evening study series via Zoom on interfaith responses to racism, beginning Oct. 19. COVID-19 has been exposing cracks in our society, such as part-time workers at long-term care homes, vulnerable front-line workers, and racism. This study will help us address racism within our society and our own lives. I have been inspired by the courageous choice of Unit 77 to read White Fragility and encourage the rest of our congregation to read this book as well as in conjunction with this study. Registration for the series is limited and I would like to offer Westworth congregants first dibs on the spaces. We will be sending out the information about this to the public next Wed, so if you are interested, please contact our registrar, Kathryn Boschman, before next Wed, at Priority will be given to those who can attend all sessions. Details of this series are below.
As we continue to negotiate the ever-evolving restrictions and try our best to keep to keep each other safe, let’s continue to dream creatively of ways we can stay in touch, build community and support one another. As William Lougheed’s angel reminds us, we’re in this together, just apart.
Loraine will be away Thursday to Saturday but can be reached on my cell in case of emergency at 204 805-4695
CE Sunday school News
This week’s Sunday school lesson on Noah’s Ark has been sent by e-mail. It includes all the age groups from N/K to G5/6, with the activity sheets and bible story included.
The craft will be delivered to your homes, the younger children have Noah’s Ark peel and stick foamies to create a picture, while the older ones have a book mark to colour. If by accident we missed you or you need a printed copy of the curriculum, please let me know at
I will be on Zoom this Sunday morning from 10.15am-10.40am to talk about the lesson, then join Loraine for the on-line service at 10.45am for ‘Time with the Children’ at the beginning of the service.
Next week we will continue with Zoom rooms with your Sunday school teachers, including a Youth class (Grade 7 plus) using the Spark Curriculum ‘Anti-Work Book’. A program that wants you to ask questions, think differently, to create and to work independently or with others.
Canadian Foodgrains Bank donations to end global hunger
As our special Thanksgiving Offering please forward any donations, with cheques made out to Westworth United Church, prior to Oct. 12. Thank you for your support.
Interfaith Responses to Racism, Mondays, 7:00 pm via Zoom, Oct. 19-Nov. 23, 2020
Oct. 19 Abrahamic Faith Responses to Racism
Shahina Siddiqui, Islamic Social Services Association
Rabbi Kliel Rose, Etz Chayim Synagogue
Rev. Dr. Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd, Westworth United Church
Oct. 26 Systemic Racism in Manitoba and Canada
Louise Simbandumwe, SEED Winnipeg
Nov 2 Intersection of Racism & Islamophobia
Shahina Siddiqui, Islamic Social Services Association
Nov 9 Intersection of Racism & Antisemitism
Rabbi Kliel Rose, Etz Chayim Synagogue
Nov 16 Intersection of Racism & Colonization
Dr. Niigaan Sinclair, University of Manitoba
Nov 23 White Privilege
Dr. Marion McKay, University of Manitoba, retired
CE Sunday school News
This week’s Sunday school lesson on Noah’s Ark has been sent by e-mail. It includes all the age groups from N/K to G5/6, with the activity sheets and bible story included.
The craft will be delivered to your homes, the younger children have Noah’s Ark peel and stick foamies to create a picture, while the older ones have a book mark to colour. If by accident we missed you or you need a printed copy of the curriculum, please let me know at
I will be on Zoom this Sunday morning from 10.15am-10.40am to talk about the lesson, then join Loraine for the on-line service at 10.45am for ‘Time with the Children’ at the beginning of the service.
Next week we will continue with Zoom rooms with your Sunday school teachers, including a Youth class (Grade 7 plus) using the Spark Curriculum ‘Anti-Work Book’. A program that wants you to ask questions, think differently, to create and to work independently or with others.
UCW News
Dorothy C. has a long history with the United Church Women at Westworth. She was a member and convener of both Unit 7 and Unit 94. She served as Treasurer for the UCW for many years, writing cheques, balancing books, counting and depositing money from Rummage Sales, Bazaars and Thankoffering Services. In November 1986 Dorothy co-convened the Bazaar with Jean D. This was the year of “The Blizzard” that arrived on the Friday night prior to the Bazaar and shut Winnipeg down for several days. Dorothy and her husband Craig cross country skied to the church on Saturday morning to make sure that things were safe, and after consultation with our minister, Eleanor G., they decided to host the event the following Tuesday, Remembrance Day, November 11. It was a memorable day! The UCW is grateful for Dorothy’s many contributions over the years, and want to wish her all the best in her retirement and move to British Columbia.
Senior Choir News
Dorothy C. is retiring from her position at Pembina Trails School Division and moving to B.C next month to enjoy her retirement closer to her son’s family and far from Winnipeg’s brutal winters. The senior choir will greatly miss her but wishes her well in this new and exciting phase of her life. On Sunday, Oct. 4, Dorothy will be with us for our in-person worship and will offer a few words. We will be offering her a blessing. Please check last week’s congregational email and on our website for complete tribute to Dorothy. Cong. email Sept 24. 2020 FINAL.docx
Broadview Subscription (formerly called the Observer) The yearly fee is $25.00, cash or cheques made out to Westworth, should be in the office by the end of September. Please contact Rochelle B. at 204 479-1655 or email or Heather at the office with any changes or questions you may have. The deadline is Oct. 4 for your renewals. Thank you for your support.
HOME BAKING – YES, WE SAID HOME BAKING! Need a gift or a Saturday morning treat? Got a favourite jam, jelly, chutney or other preserve you always buy from the Home Baking Table at the Bazaar? We made them even if there isn’t a Bazaar! Your favourites are available. There are limited quantities for all items. We will do our best to fill your requests – first come, first served. An order form will be available by email next week or in your Stewardship package. Payment is by cheque, made out to Westworth United Church, or cash (exact change, please). Feel free to pass this information along if you have a friend or neighbour who enjoys a special jam each year. You can order on their behalf and deliver directly to them (with our thanks). Let’s have a little fun and raise a little money for the work of our congregation! ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY OCTOBER 27 AND PICK UP CAN BE ARRANGED FOR FRIDAY, OCT. 30, SATURDAY, OCT. 31 OR SUNDAY, NOV. 1. The jams and jelly taste very good with a scone.
SCONES BY SHIRLEY! Are also available by special order. Shirley W. makes wonderful scones and she is offering to bake them for you. They are available in an 8” round for $6.00, prepaid, and you are able to order a few at a time. They taste very good with a little jam! Please call Shirley at (204)489-7695 to place an order.
A One Day Retreat for Grades 7 and up, including Young Adults from Prairie to Pine Region Sat., October 24th from 10:00 am – 8:00 pm Location Choices: Souris, Carman, Oakbank and online (only evening portion) Check for more info and registration.
- West Broadway Community Ministry
- Lunches: The rapidly changing weather continues to challenge the staff and volunteers at West Broadway. Presently, coffee and muffins are served to members of the community in the morning and lunches are served at 12:30 am. All food is delivered via a “drive-through” window located at the Broadway entrance as no one but staff and a limited number of volunteers are allowed in the building. Westworth provided the first of our famous “meatball subs “lunches on Thursday September 17, and the Outreach Team, together with our “Lunch Hosts” will decide how to proceed going forward. Meanwhile, donations of dollars to assist with the lunch program are gratefully received! Cheques may be sent to the Westworth office with the memo line indicating “WBCM lunches”.
- West Broadway Community Ministry (WBCM) Emergency Pantry: Your donations over the past seven months have helped put thousands of dollars of food in the emergency pantry at West Broadway. As our building is once again closed, please consider making a donation to the purchasing of food for the pantry. Cheques to Westworth with “WBCM Pantry” on the memo line are gratefully received!
- Canadian Foodgrains Bank Virtual “Singin’ in the Grain” Friday, October 16th, 8:00 pm: Canadian Foodgrains Bank continues its work worldwide, as food security around the world is threatened more profoundly during these uncertain times. You are invited to attend a virtual fundraising concert that will feature the fine music of the Quonset Brothers from Winkler, sister-brother duo Kristel Peters and Korey Peters from Steinbach, and Steve Bell from Winnipeg. Donations will support food security programs of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) as it responds to the COVID-19 pandemic. More details online at share this invitation and join the virtual concert on Oct. 16thevening.
- Racism: Reject and Respond: A 2-day Professional Development training initiative will be held October 29-30 and November 5-6. Presenters include Shahina Saddiqui and Niigan Sinclair. Registration fee is $ 400.00. For more information call Sarah at 204-944-1560, or go to