Congregational Meeting and Survey Results

On Sunday, February 8, immediately following the service, Westworth will hold a congregational meeting for the express purpose of voting on whether to proceed with a new Joint Needs Assessment as soon as possible.

It is hoped that the majority of our congregants have taken advantage of the informational sessions and absorbed enough information to make an informed decision on that day.

We appreciate the prayerful thoughts that you have given in forum discussions as well as on the survey. Your thought will be considered as we move forward.

Please note that all congregational members, both adherents and full members will be able to vote at the Congregational meeting.

The survey results are available below.

Summary of finance applicable comments from survey

There were 20 pages of comments. There were not 119 comments in each category, even though 119 people responded to the survey. The numbers following the comment categories indicate how many offered the same idea.

How to Increase Revenues:

1. Dinner theatre/plays/musicals/café – 6
2. Government grant programs – 1
3. Increase rentals – 30 (user friendly, prices, more aggressive marketing)
4. Changing use of building – share, give portion up – 7
5. Actively solicit new membership – 7 (younger)
6. Craft guild – 2
7. Beer and hymn – 1
8. Amalgamation with another UC church – 2
9. Ask membership to increase pledges – 1

How to Decrease Costs:

1. Restructure staffing following review of congregational needs: 56
2. Energy Saving strategies – 3
3. Reduce paper costs – 2 i.e. no paper bulletins
4. Reduce committee expenses – 2
5. Building downsizing – 1
6. Share building with other groups – 1
7. Increase membership – 1

Please check the easel in the narthex for the coloured hard-copy results of the first nine questions. These will also be available on the website soon!