Congregational E-mails

Congregational Email Jan. 8, 2021

Congregational Email Jan. 8, 2021 Dear Congregants, We are entering a new year filled with new hope of healing and health. But we have a ways to go before we can ease up on our COVID safeguards. If you find fear and anxiety beginning to set in again, or if you are dealing with other …Read more

Congregational Email Dec. 17, 2020

Congregational Email Dec. 17, 2020 Dear Congregants, “A blessing speaks from God’s mysterious heart into our own heart, meeting us in our ache for connection and presence,” writes Rev. Jan Richardson, a United Methodist minister in her book Circle of Grace. Do we ever ache for connection and presence with our loved ones this Christmas! …Read more

Congregational Email Dec. 11, 2020

Congregational Email Dec. 11, 2020 Dear Congregants, These have been quite the challenging last few days. Although it was not a surprise, it was still difficult to hear Dr. Roussin’s words that families should not gather together for Christmas. Households need to remain separate. Single people should only meet with one other person. Wow. But …Read more

Congregational Email Dec. 6, 2020

Congregational Email Dec. 6, 2020 Dear Congregants, The following prayer by Thomas Merton may express how many of us feel. We don’t know where we are going, nor can we be sure that we are making the best decisions. All we can do is to give the of our best of intentions and efforts, quick …Read more

Congregational Email Nov. 26, 2020

Congregational Email Nov. 26, 2020 Dear Congregants, “I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that …Read more

Congregational Email Nov. 19, 2020

Congregational Email Nov. 19, 2020 Dear Congregants, These are difficult times as we move into yet further restrictions. I must admit some relief, as this is what the doctors have been asking for some time. There is now more clarity as well as compassionate exceptions for essential support. I also recognize that it is easier …Read more

Congregational Email Nov. 5, 2020

Congregational Email Nov. 5, 2020 Dear Congregants, These are heavy days filled with fear and anxiety that is spilling over into social divides. We are seeing this within our province as COVID numbers rise amidst strong disagreements over restrictions and health care funding for PPE and medical staff. We are seeing this in the U.S. …Read more

Congregational Email Nov. 12, 2020

Congregational Email Nov. 12, 2020 Dear Congregants, I keep wondering how we will make it through the weariness of it all and then something more happens! At first my adrenalin rises to the challenge and then I find myself even more weary from adrenalin hangover. I’m pretty sure that I’m not alone. This past week’s …Read more

Congregational Email Oct. 29, 2020

Congregational Email Oct. 29, 2020 Dear Congregants, Our Interfaith Anti-Racism sessions continue to attract just under 100 participants from different denominations, faiths and cultural backgrounds. We are learning a lot! You will note below that the Affirming Committee is inviting as many congregants as possible to join one Zoom meeting on Monday, Nov. 30 at …Read more

Congregational Email Oct. 15, 2020

Congregational Email Oct. 15, 2020 Dear Congregants, Our cooling weather reminds us that we are digging in for the long haul. I take hope in the fact that we are Winnipeggers. We know how to do winter well. And COVID restrictions shouldn’t stop us gathering with friends and family to walk, ski, skate, make snow …Read more