On Line Services
Worship for November 5, 2023
Our worship service for Remembrance Sunday will begin at 10:30 am with an extended prelude by the Westworth Winds.
Covenanting Service for Rev. Tricia Gerhard
Join us in person or on YouTube at 2:30 pm on Sunday as we formally welcome Rev. Tricia Gerhard as our new minister.
Worship for October 8
Join for at 10:45 am in person or on our YouTube channel for worship on Thanksgiving Sunday.
Worship for September 24
Join us in person or online at 10:45 am. Our theme this Sunday is Truth and Reconciliation.
Worship for September 10, 2023
Join us for worship at 10:45 am in person or on our YouTube channel as we celebrate Dorcas Windsor’s 48 years of music ministry.
Worship for June 25, 2023
Join us in person or online at 10:45 pm for a service of decovenanting as we say farewell to Loraine and Dorcas.