October 17, 2021 Church School Curriculum, “Manna, Quail & Water”

Manna Quail and Water

Congregational Email October 07, 2021

MINISTER’S MESSAGE I would like to introduce you to Jane Powell, whom I see monthly for a spiritual check-up. I call her my spiritual guide—others use the name spiritual director or body talk practitioner. She is steeped in the Christian tradition, amongst other faith traditions and energy work, and has a particular interest in the …Read more

Worship for Sunday, October 10, 2021

Give Thanks

Join us for Thanksgiving Sunday. Loraine is away so Earl Gould will be our liturgist and Tessa Blaikie Whitecloud is our guest preacher.  

October 10, 2021 Sunday School Curriculum The Burning Bush

211007 The Burning Bush

Worship for Sunday, October 3, 2021

Join us on our YouTube channel at 10:45 am as we celebrate World Wide Communion Sunday. An ensemble from our choir will join us for the first time in over a year.    

Ocotober 3, 2021 Sunday School Curriculum, “Baby Moses”

210929 Baby Moses Curriculum

Congregational Email Sept 23, 2021

MINISTER’S MESSAGE We were hoping to outline the details of our reopening plans in this week’s congregational email. However, we have hit a bit of a snag and need to work out a few more issues that have arisen. For this reason, we will NOT be having our safe reopening service this Sunday. It will …Read more

Worship for September 26, 2021

This Sunday at 10:45 am we will have a “soft”re-opening for members of our leadership team only. Everyone else is invited to join us on YouTube. Watch this website for information on our re-opening plans.

Outdoor Service on September 19

On Sunday, September 19, at 10:30 am we will worship outdoors and Assiniboine Park. We will be at picnic site 20, south of the Pavilion. See the map for details. Bring your own lawn chairs. The service will be cancelled in the event of rain. This service will not be recorded. Livestream services will resume …Read more

Congregational Email Sept 16, 2021

MINISTER’S MESSAGE Once again, our committees have been hard at work in preparation for our gradual reopening plans. The Safe Reopening Committee and the Worship Team, in particular, have been meeting this past week and Council has moved up their meeting by one week to Sept. 22 to consider our overall reopening plan, amongst many …Read more