Take Ten – Day 18 by Rev. Barb Jardine Daily Lenten Contemplative Prayer


Take Ten – Day 17 by Rev. Barb Jardine Daily Lenten Contemplative Prayer


Take Ten Day 16 – by Rev. Barb Jardine Daily Lenten Contemplative Prayer


Take Ten – Day 15 by Rev. Barb Jardine Daily Lenten Contemplative Prayer


Congregational Email March 5, 2021

Dear Congregants, Our Lenten focus on hope is aligning with growing hope within our province as more vaccines are being offered and our numbers continue to decline. It is a cautious hope, as variants continue to be detected and many unknowns still lie before us. Westworth is therefore continuing to be cautious in its reopening …Read more

Sunday School Story, “The Parable of the Sower”

Take Ten Day 14 by Barb Jardine Daily Lenten Contemplative Prayer


Worship for March 7, 2021

Join us art 10:45 am on Sunday, March 7, 2o21 for online worship for the Third Sunday of Lent.

Take Ten – Day 13 by Rev. Barb Jardine.


Take Ten – Day 12 by Rev Barb Jardine