Take Ten – Day 11 by Rev. Barb Jardine Daily Lenten Contemplative Prayer


Take Ten – Day Ten by Rev. Barb Jardine Daily Lenten Contemplative Prayer


Congregational Email February 26, 2021

Dear Congregants, Lent is a 40-day period, beginning with Ash Wednesday (February 17 this year), that helps Christians prepare for Easter Sunday. This is an ancient church practice, going back at least to the Council of Nicea in 325 C.E. The 40 days do not include the Sundays during Lent, which are sometimes known as …Read more

Take Ten – Day 9 By Barb Jardine Daily Lenten Contemplative Prayer

Worship for February 28, 2020

Our online worship service starts 15 minutes early at 10:30 am.  Our Annual General meeting will follow on Zoom at 11:15.

Jesus Heals 2 Blind Men

Jesus Heals 2 Blind Men

Take Ten – Day 8 by Barb Jardine Daily Lenten Contemplative Prayer


Annual General Meeting

The congregation of Westworth will holds its 2021 Annual General meeting on Sunday, February 28 at 11:15 am by Zoom meeting. Links will be sent to members by e-mail  A link to the 2020 Annual Report is below: 2020 Annual Report

Take Ten – Day 7 by Barb Jardine Daily Lenten Contemplative Prayer


Take Ten

Join Rev. Barb Jardine for a series on Contemplative Prayer for Lent. http://westworth.ca/category/take-ten/