
Sermon February 4, 2024 by Tricia Gerhard

Sermon February 4, 2024 Tricia Gerhard

Sermon January 28, 2024 Tricia Gerhard

Luke 2:41-52 “Left Behind and Loving It” We all have that story…the “left behind” story.  In it we are either the one left behind or we’re the one that did the leaving…either way these tend to be moments that grow in family lore in such a way that they wind up being hilarious stories that …Read more

Sermon January 21, 2024

A lot of things have changed over the centuries since the Bible was written, from the food we eat to the clothes we wear to the animals that we share our homes with.  But one thing that hasn’t changed is our love of music, and the way that it reflects our emotions and the situations …Read more

Reflection January 14, 2024 by Tricia Gerhard

They’ve finally made it. The Wise Men have finally made it to the nativity… well, here at Westworth they’ve been in the manger the whole of Advent and Christmas, but in my house, the Magi have been tucked away waiting for their big moment to finally arrive on the mantle with their camel and their …Read more

Sermon December 24, 2023 by Tricia Gerhard

December 24, 2023             Tricia Gerhard In 1998, psychologist and grief specialist, Nancy Reeves was in the midst of her Advent evening prayer when she found herself envisioning a weary couple, the woman heavily pregnant, making their way into a town and looking for a place to stay.  She realized, as she imagined this scene, as …Read more

Sermon December 10, 2023 by Tricia Gerhard

“This joy that I have, the world didn’t give it to me… the world didn’t give it, the world can’t take it away.” These lyrics were written by the First Lady of Gospel Music, Shirley Caesar, whose name you may recognize for the many awards, concerts and shows she’s done over the years, including winning …Read more

Sermon November 3, 2023 by Tricia Gerhard

Of all the stories found in the Biblical narrative of Jesus’s conception and birth, the story of Mary and Elizabeth has always been a favourite.  There’s something deeply moving in how these two women, one unexpectedly old and one unexpectedly young, find themselves sharing these mystifying and slightly terrifying birth announcements.  And buried into this …Read more

Sermon November 26, 2023 by Tricia Gerhard

Luke 1:5-23 “How will I know? (We acknowledge our Weariness)) Well, my dear friends, once again the season of Advent has begun!  We know this because the Advent Candles are here, the decorations are up, the lights are on, we are finally singing some hymns that we know, the nativity set (minus the baby of …Read more

Sermon November 19, 2023 by Tricia Gerhard

“For to all those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away.”  Hold on a second…Is Jesus actually preaching prosperity gospel, where the rich are wealthy because God wants them to be?  This really an uncomfortable thought …Read more

Sermon November 12, 2023 by Tricia Gerhard

The Beatitudes… one of the only passages in our Lectionary rotation that show up in each of the three years all on the same day… All Saints Day which technically was last week as it falls on the day after Halloween.  Part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount that actually takes place on a mountainside …Read more