
December 19, 2021 Sunday School Curicuulum, “Jesus is Born”.

Worship for December 19, 2021

Join us for worship in person or on our YouTube Channel at 10:45 am. Will Lougheed and Loraine will have a dialogue sermon on “A Child Shall Lead Us”. Walk-up registration will be possible as long as we have not reached capacity.  We will be given new  surgical masks, and join in singing the last …Read more

Congregational Email October 28, 2021

MINISTER’S MESSAGE We are approaching the wrinkle in time when some say the spirit world moves closer to us. The beginning of Hebrews 12 reads, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run …Read more

October 24, 2021 Curriculum, “Deborah”

Deborah Curriculum

Outdoor Service on September 19

On Sunday, September 19, at 10:30 am we will worship outdoors and Assiniboine Park. We will be at picnic site 20, south of the Pavilion. See the map for details. Bring your own lawn chairs. The service will be cancelled in the event of rain. This service will not be recorded. Livestream services will resume …Read more

July 4, 2021 Scripture Reading by Rev. Heather Robbins

Scripture Reading Rev. Heather Robbins Introduction In Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, he is talking about his abilities to preach to the people. Some have had visions and boasted about them (maybe even Paul himself).  Is he writing about those who are “holier than thou”, because he is not charismatic enough or well spoken.  Paul …Read more

Congregational Email June 24, 2021

MINISTER’S MESSAGE This past week, our Visioning Committee met with Margerit R, a strategic planner who helps organizations assess their social impact and determine future direction on the basis of their social values. She is highly valued amongst Winnipeg non-profit organizations. She is also a good friend of mine. When I was talking with her …Read more

Congregational Email June 10, 2021

MINISTER’S MESSAGE We seem to have a continuous flood of global and national crises these days. After we grieved the loss of life in Israel and Palestine, we then mourned the loss of 215 children found in unmarked graves beside the Kamloops Residential School. We are still bracing ourselves for the discovery of more unmarked …Read more

June 3, 2021 Congregational Email

MINISTER’S MESSAGE This has been a heavy week as we have sat with the news of the discovery of 215 bodies of children buried in a mass, unmarked grave at the Kamloops Residential School. You will find below a poignant prayer about this from our Moderator, along with photos of how our church is commemorating …Read more

Doubting Thomas Curriculum April 18

Curriculum April 14.21